OctaFX Minimum Deposit Guide (2021), octafx deposit.

Octafx deposit

When it comes to processing time, this type of octafx deposit typically takes between 3-7 working days to process.

Today forex bonuses

OctaFX Minimum Deposit Guide (2021), octafx deposit.

OctaFX Minimum Deposit Guide (2021), octafx deposit.

OctaFX Minimum Deposit Guide (2021), octafx deposit.

It could be faster but this is the guideline they provide to ensure your funds are available. Trading with octafx, your first port of call should certainly be our octafx broker review. Once you have taken a look at this, you should have a broad knowledge of the broker offering and features.

Octafx minimum deposit guide (2021)


Trading with octafx, your first port of call should certainly be our octafx broker review. Once you have taken a look at this, you should have a broad knowledge of the broker offering and features.

With that knowledge, you are likely ready to begin trading and find out more information on precise areas of the broker, the octafx minimum deposit for example.

Here we will outline exactly that and how it may change based on the octafx account type and funding method you choose.

This information will all help you make the best trading decisions possible on your future broker.

Table of contents

74-89% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Octafx account base currency

The account base currency is the currency that you can select to trade with. When it comes to octafx, this base currency can differ depending on the region you are trading from. Within europe, the only base currency made available is euro, while within other areas known as the global market, both euro and US dollar are catered for.

Octafx funding methods

The funding methods available through octafx will again depend on where you are based. As a very attractive positive point though, these methods do not feature any kind of octafx commission either on deposits or withdrawals. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what funding methods you will have to choose from as a trader.

octafx website deposits segregated accounts

Wire transfer

Octafx wire transfers are available to traders within europe only at this time. This is one of several common deposit methods that the broker offers.

When it comes to processing time, this type of octafx deposit typically takes between 3-7 working days to process. It could be faster but this is the guideline they provide to ensure your funds are available.

As mentioned above, there are no octafx commissions applied, although you should double-check with your own bank as they may have a policy to charge fees on wire transfers from their end.

The minimum octafx deposit for a wire transfer is 50 EUR/USD.

Credit card

Naturally, credit and debit card deposits are hugely popular among octafx traders and those of any top forex broker where they are facilitated. Both visa and mastercard are catered for and the deposits made through this method are typically available for you to trade with right away.

As is the case with every octafx deposit method, no commission is applied from the broker side here and again the minimum octafx deposit associated with this funding type is 50 EUR/USD.


Bitcoin is growing in popularity as a funding method throughout the industry and is also offered by octafx. Octafx bitcoin deposits again attract no commission or fees from the broker at all, though there will likely be a small fee from the bitcoin network to mine your deposit on the way through. This amount should be negligible though.

The minimum deposit with octafx here is 0.00045 BTC.

Neteller and skrill

Both of these popular funding methods are available through octafx. These deposit options are only available for those trading within the global market regulation and again there are no commissions or fees to worry about from the octafx broker side.

The processing time is typically instant so your funds should be available right away, and the minimum deposit using this method is $50.

Octafx minimum deposits

Having taken a look at the minimum deposit applied to each funding method, let’s now look at how this impacts the octafx account types you can choose from.

In fact, there is no minimum deposit in place on account types, as many other forex trading no minimum deposit brokers. It is therefore referred to the funding method you use to decide the minimum deposit you have to meet.

Micro MT4 account

The octafx micro MT4 account is ideal for newer traders as it allows trading in micro-lots at low-risk levels.

This account type is not currently available to those trading from within europe, just global market traders only, and since there is no octafx minimum deposit, the broker just recommends a deposit of $100 to best use their services.

As with the other account types available, it can be turned into an islamic account where needed.

MT5 account

The octafx MT5 account type is available worldwide and with again no minimum octafx deposit in place, only a recommendation is made by the broker. This is a 100 euro deposit if you are trading within europe, and a $500 deposit if you are trading in other market areas.

As mentioned above, an islamic account is also available for this account type on request.

Ctrader account

Again the octafx ctrader account for those who prefer the ctrader platform and the ECN execution it offers is available to all traders around the world.

A 100 euro recommended deposit is in place for traders based in europe, while a $100 recommendation applies to those trading under the world market regulations.

Related guides:

octafx website trading platform

Deposit bonus

Octafx deposit bonuses are unfortunately unavailable to traders who are based in the EU and trading within this regulatory area. The reasoning behind this is likely to do with the stringent ESMA regulations in place and a desire from all the best forex brokers to remain completely transparent and compliant.

50% deposit bonus

In other market areas, an octafx deposit may be available. The conditions behind this octafx bonus are as follows:

The trader must make an octafx minimum deposit of at least 50EUR or 50USD. If they do this, they will be credited with a bonus equal to 50% of the deposited amount.

This bonus is subject to certain conditions and cannot be withdrawn right away. In order to satisfy these conditions, you will have to trade a certain number of lots. The more you deposit, the larger your bonus amount will be, although this will also correspond to an increased number of trades required to release the bonus.

No deposit bonus

On occasion, octafx may offer a no deposit bonus. This octafx no deposit bonus is typical $8 although it is only available periodically and not at the moment of writing. There is no pre-qualification or need to deposit in order to access this bonus amount.

74-89% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Cara melakukan deposit ke akun trading forex octafx

Untuk memulai trading di akun real forex dan menghasilkan uang, anda harus melakukan deposit. Sebelum melakukan deposit, harap diketahui bahwa octafx tidak mengenakan komisi untuk deposit dan penarikan dana. Bahkan, octafx menanggung biaya yang dikenakan oleh sistem pembayaran. Kami juga tidak membatasi jumlah deposit tiap harinya. Deposit dengan menggunakan bank lokal akan diproses selama 1-3 jam kerja, deposit melalui kartu kredit/debit dan e-wallet prosesnya instan.

Minimal deposit untuk akun pro di metatrader 5 adalah $500. Para trader forex dari indonesia, pakistan, malaysia, thailand, india, vietnam dan nigeria dapat melakukan deposit dan penarikan dana menggunakan rekening bank lokal mereka. Octafx menyediakan berbagai bank lokal yang bisa anda pilih.

Seperti yang dijelaskan di awal, bagi mereka yang tidak bisa menggunakan bank lokal, kami menyediakan layanan pembayaran lainnya dan kartu kredit:

  • Kartu kredit atau debit visa

  • Bitcoin

  • Skrill

  • Neteller

  • Fasapay

  • Help2pay

Cara melakukan deposit melalui bank

1. Masuk ke personal area dan tekan deposit di menu bagian atas layar atau di menu bagian kanan.

Anda bisa menemukan menu “deposit” di menu sebelah kanan seperti yang ditampilkan di gambar

2. Pilih bank lokal yang tersedia.

Pilih metode pembayaran yang paling sesuai dengan anda. Bank lokal memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan deposit dalam jumlah besar.

3. Pilih aktifkan kurs tetap di atas metode pembayaran jika anda ingin melakukan deposit ke akun ini dan melakukan penarikan dari akun yang sama dengan nilai tukar 1 USD = 10.000 IDR

Ini merupakan opsi permanen dan hanya berfungsi untuk akun mikro metatrader 4 dalam USD begitu hal ini diterapkan. Tanpa opsi tersebut, kurs yang ditentukan oleh BCA-lah yang akan diberlakukan.

4. Untuk transfer bank, anda harus memilih salah satu opsi, yang akan anda gunakan untuk menambahkan dana ke dalam akun anda: melalui ATM, melalui online banking, atau melalui setoran tunai di cabang-cabang bank terdekat di kota anda.

Online banking: masuk ke online atau mobile banking anda, masukkan rincian bank kami, dan buat cuplikan layar (screenshot) atas transaksi yang berhasil dilakukan.

ATM: temukan ATM terdekat dari lokasi anda, pilih transfer bank, masukkan rincian bank kami dari halaman deposit, dan masukkan uang anda ke dalam mesin ATM.

Kantor cabang bank: pergi ke kantor cabang bank anda dan berikan rincian bank kami berikut dana investasi anda kepada pegawai bank (teller).

Sebagai contoh, anda memilih BCA dan ingin melakukan transfer melalui online banking.

Pastikan anda menggunakan data yang benar dalam proses deposit. Harap periksa kembali jumlah dana yang anda transfer karena harus sama dengan yang anda cantumkan dalam permintaan deposit. Di sini anda bisa melihat rincian rekening bank lokal kami.

Mohon diperhatikan: jika anda memasukkan ’forex’, ’octafx’, ’fx’ dan lain sebagainya dalam kolom preferensi penerima, maka deposit anda akan ditolak.

Anda hanya dapat melakukan deposit dari akun bank dan kartu anda.

Mohon berikan notifikasi sesudah transfer hanya setelah anda mengirimkan dana.

5. Notifikasi sesudah transfer

Di langkah selanjutnya, anda harus mengisi formulir deposit: isi jumlah dananya, pilih nama bank dan jenis transfernya, masukkan nomor rekening bank anda dan tanggal pembayarannya.

Mohon dicatat: unggah bukti pembayaran untuk mempercepat proses deposit. Lalu, klik konfirmasi permintaan dan mulai trading.

Begitu anda mengkonfirmasi permintaan, maka statusnya akan menjadi pending hingga diproses oleh pihak bank dan departemen finansial kami sesuai dengan jam kerja mereka (senin-jumat pukul 06:00-15:00 EET).

Ketika transfer selesai, anda akan memperoleh push-notification di personal area dan pemberitahuan melalui e-mail.

Langkah terakhir adalah mendownload platform trading pilihan anda dan anda sudah siap untuk masuk ke market forex! Silakan ikuti link berikut untuk download software-nya:

Kami juga merekomendasikan anda untuk membaca menu edukasi kami yang menjelaskan tentang strategi trading forex, tutorial forex dan panduan platform.

Octafx minimum deposit guide (2021)


Trading with octafx, your first port of call should certainly be our octafx broker review. Once you have taken a look at this, you should have a broad knowledge of the broker offering and features.

With that knowledge, you are likely ready to begin trading and find out more information on precise areas of the broker, the octafx minimum deposit for example.

Here we will outline exactly that and how it may change based on the octafx account type and funding method you choose.

This information will all help you make the best trading decisions possible on your future broker.

Table of contents

74-89% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Octafx account base currency

The account base currency is the currency that you can select to trade with. When it comes to octafx, this base currency can differ depending on the region you are trading from. Within europe, the only base currency made available is euro, while within other areas known as the global market, both euro and US dollar are catered for.

Octafx funding methods

The funding methods available through octafx will again depend on where you are based. As a very attractive positive point though, these methods do not feature any kind of octafx commission either on deposits or withdrawals. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what funding methods you will have to choose from as a trader.

octafx website deposits segregated accounts

Wire transfer

Octafx wire transfers are available to traders within europe only at this time. This is one of several common deposit methods that the broker offers.

When it comes to processing time, this type of octafx deposit typically takes between 3-7 working days to process. It could be faster but this is the guideline they provide to ensure your funds are available.

As mentioned above, there are no octafx commissions applied, although you should double-check with your own bank as they may have a policy to charge fees on wire transfers from their end.

The minimum octafx deposit for a wire transfer is 50 EUR/USD.

Credit card

Naturally, credit and debit card deposits are hugely popular among octafx traders and those of any top forex broker where they are facilitated. Both visa and mastercard are catered for and the deposits made through this method are typically available for you to trade with right away.

As is the case with every octafx deposit method, no commission is applied from the broker side here and again the minimum octafx deposit associated with this funding type is 50 EUR/USD.


Bitcoin is growing in popularity as a funding method throughout the industry and is also offered by octafx. Octafx bitcoin deposits again attract no commission or fees from the broker at all, though there will likely be a small fee from the bitcoin network to mine your deposit on the way through. This amount should be negligible though.

The minimum deposit with octafx here is 0.00045 BTC.

Neteller and skrill

Both of these popular funding methods are available through octafx. These deposit options are only available for those trading within the global market regulation and again there are no commissions or fees to worry about from the octafx broker side.

The processing time is typically instant so your funds should be available right away, and the minimum deposit using this method is $50.

Octafx minimum deposits

Having taken a look at the minimum deposit applied to each funding method, let’s now look at how this impacts the octafx account types you can choose from.

In fact, there is no minimum deposit in place on account types, as many other forex trading no minimum deposit brokers. It is therefore referred to the funding method you use to decide the minimum deposit you have to meet.

Micro MT4 account

The octafx micro MT4 account is ideal for newer traders as it allows trading in micro-lots at low-risk levels.

This account type is not currently available to those trading from within europe, just global market traders only, and since there is no octafx minimum deposit, the broker just recommends a deposit of $100 to best use their services.

As with the other account types available, it can be turned into an islamic account where needed.

MT5 account

The octafx MT5 account type is available worldwide and with again no minimum octafx deposit in place, only a recommendation is made by the broker. This is a 100 euro deposit if you are trading within europe, and a $500 deposit if you are trading in other market areas.

As mentioned above, an islamic account is also available for this account type on request.

Ctrader account

Again the octafx ctrader account for those who prefer the ctrader platform and the ECN execution it offers is available to all traders around the world.

A 100 euro recommended deposit is in place for traders based in europe, while a $100 recommendation applies to those trading under the world market regulations.

Related guides:

octafx website trading platform

Deposit bonus

Octafx deposit bonuses are unfortunately unavailable to traders who are based in the EU and trading within this regulatory area. The reasoning behind this is likely to do with the stringent ESMA regulations in place and a desire from all the best forex brokers to remain completely transparent and compliant.

50% deposit bonus

In other market areas, an octafx deposit may be available. The conditions behind this octafx bonus are as follows:

The trader must make an octafx minimum deposit of at least 50EUR or 50USD. If they do this, they will be credited with a bonus equal to 50% of the deposited amount.

This bonus is subject to certain conditions and cannot be withdrawn right away. In order to satisfy these conditions, you will have to trade a certain number of lots. The more you deposit, the larger your bonus amount will be, although this will also correspond to an increased number of trades required to release the bonus.

No deposit bonus

On occasion, octafx may offer a no deposit bonus. This octafx no deposit bonus is typical $8 although it is only available periodically and not at the moment of writing. There is no pre-qualification or need to deposit in order to access this bonus amount.

74-89% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Octafx minimum deposit and payment methods

Introduction to the minimum deposit:

The minimum deposit in a trading broker is one of the conditions that help each broker to specify the portion of the deposit. In the case of many customers, the minimum deposit plays an important role. Ensuring minimum deposit usage before any client uses the broker for the first time. The minimum deposit does not have to be a higher three or four-digit amount so it is a much easier deposit. In a broker trade, the minimum deposit should be given much importance so that the customer is attracted to it.

Traders look for a minimum deposit broker before starting the first CFD or forex trade in the trade market. Traders search for the right forex and CFD broker for only the minimum deposit. This allows you to compare the condition of the supplier with other brokers. What the deposit will look like will depend entirely on choosing your broker. Traders are encouraged to use brokers that demand relatively low minimum deposits. The minimum deposit helps in increasing the number of customers. Similarly, traders use the minimum deposit of brokers as an important criterion.

OctaFX website

What is the octafx minimum deposit?

As the broker octafx is in the average range, it allows the customer to deposit $100 as the minimum deposit in the first instance. The minimum deposit is meant here. This is just an offer, no special conditions are imposed here. This offer allows the customer to start a business with a minimum deposit.

In the first instance, traders cannot trust any broker so they first use the minimum deposit to check the broker. In the first instance, traders cannot trust any broker so they first use a minimum deposit to check the broker. No trader directly wants to deposit $100 or more deposit. Of course, octafx is useful for many potential clients. Considering so many aspects, one can understand how important minimum deposit plays in CFD and forex trading. So in most forex and CFD brokers, you look for these minimum deposit terms.

The octafx minimum deposit is depending on the account type:

  • Metatrader 4 micro account: $ 100

  • Metatrader 5 pro account: $ 500

  • Ctrader ECN account: $ 100

(risk warning: your capital can be at risk)

What are the octafx deposit methods? (how to deposit)

There is no charge for deposits to the octafx account.

The following are the minimum deposit methods for an octafx account. You can deposit an octafx deposit using any one of the methods from here.

  • Neteller

  • Skrill

  • Bitcoin

  • Bank transfer

  • Credit or debit card

Octafx only supports two deposit currencies to fund traders’ accounts. Apart from these two currencies, no other currency can raise funds.

The two currencies are:

  • USD ($)

  • And EUR (€)

Deposits for octafx account users must transact in USD ($) and europe (€). If there is any other currency in the account then it has to be converted into that currency. In this case, the financial situation may change a bit.

(risk warning: your capital can be at risk)

Are there deposit fees?

Before making a deposit, the user should know whether octafx takes a commission in case of withdrawal or case of deposit? It also covers the percentage of fees applied by octafx payment systems. Whether there is a limit to the number of daily deposits of octafx.

If you plan to start trading in a foreign currency account, you must first deposit to earn money. It is great for you at the beginning of the trade that octafx does not charge any commission for depositing or withdrawing money. Octafx only covers the fees applicable to the payment system here, also by paying a much lower fee. There is no limit to the number of deposits on octafx so this is a great account for traders. Octafx credit card /debit card and e-wallet deposits submitted are very quickly.

In metatrader pro 5, a minimum deposit of 500$ will be accepted for the account. Foreign traders from thailand, indonesia, india, pakistan, malaysia will be able to deposit money using their local banks and withdraw it through banks in the same way. You can select any local bank to transact with. Because octafx supports various local banks.

Are there account types?

Octafx provides transactions through three types of accounts. Each of these octafx accounts has its unique trading conditions. Traders are also provided with the best value services with the environment including a dynamic trading experience.

OctaFX account types

See below the octafx account types are:

  • Micro account MT4

  • Account MT 5 pro

  • Account ECN ctrader/ ctrader

Micro account MT4:

MT4 recommends depositing a minimum of 100 100 into a micro account. Starting from 0.3 pips. Also floating spreads and fixed spreads are started from 2 pip. No commission is charged on octafx MT4 trades. However, the mark-up is added to this account. Allows access to 28 forex, silver, gold, 4 indicators, 3 cryptocurrencies. Octafx leverage is up to 1:500 for forex, 1:50 for index, 1: 200 for metal and 1: 2 for cryptocurrency. Stop out level is acceptable up to 15% and margin call up to 25%. MT4 is useful as an alternative to converting a live trading account to an islamic account.

Account MT5 pro:

Account MT5 pro can be deposited a minimum of 500 500. Its floating spread starts from 0.2. The trader does not have to charge any commission for the trades. Gold, silver, 28 forex pairs, 2 strengths, 3 cryptocurrencies, and 10 indicators can be accessed. 1: 200 leverage for foreign exchange, 1:50 leverage for energy, 1: 2 leverage for the cryptocurrency is applicable on the MT5 account. Out stop 30% and margin call 45% is applicable. If you want to transfer commissions from here overnight, 3 days fee is deducted. Access to cryptocurrency and CFD trades is acceptable.

Account ECN ctrader/ctrader:

Ctrader is a popular account because the minimum deposit here is dollar 100$. Its floating spread starts from 0.0. Commissions are charged even if no mark-up is added. Silver, gold, and 28 forex force can be accessed. Gold and silver 1: 200 leverage and forex 1:500 leverage. Stop out level 15% and margin calls are caught 25%. Here the commission is charged according to the weekly fee.

What is the offer of the broker?

Octafx offers customers a minimum of 1:5 leverage and a maximum of 1 500 leverage. No one else offers the best offers from octafx brokers. The broker’s offers are sent in a way that traders can get quickly. Octafx is much more popular in the broker markets due to its offers. Because the lowest leverage is available here.

  • Multi-regulated brand

  • Free demo account

  • A low minimum deposit of $ 100

  • Metatrader 4/5, ctrader

  • Mobile trading app

  • Professional support

  • Low trading fees

  • Personal support

  • Fast deposits and withdrawals

Conclusion on the octafx minimum deposit

Internationally, octafx is a good broker. To traders, it is helpful as a popular broker and minimum depositor. There are three types of trading opportunities that are provided to traders with trading accounts. The accounts are ECN account, micro account, and pro account. Each account type has different trading platforms and leverage. The accounts are known as ctrader, MT4, and MT5. Octafx allows traders to use several transaction methods for transactions. It can be called a special opportunity and helpful for customers.

You can find copy trading applications and an in-house trading application here. The broker is very helpful and easy for all traders, who are new to the international commercial market. So you can start trading deposits at octafx broker according to your preferred leverage package. We think the broker is suitable for any type of trading.

(risk warning: your capital can be at risk)

How to deposit funds to octafx with mastercard (credit/debit cards)?

Use mastercard to deposit and withdraw funds to/from octafx live trading account.

Octafx accepts mastercard deposit and withdrawal

If you use mastercard, you now have one more convenient method to top up your trading balance with octafx.

If you don’t use it, you still have many other options to choose from.

Returning to the mastercard, it’s now available for deposits and withdrawals for all traders of octafx.

You’ll find the mastercard method on the deposit or withdrawal page, as usual.

Check out how smoothly and easily it works.

By using your mastercard, you can deposit funds to your live trading account octafx instantly without any fees.

It’s the same process as when you shop online, and octafx processes it securely and smoothly through its client portal.

How to deposit funds via mastercard?

Fund deposits to octafx via credit and debit cards are the most popular methods among others.

Follow the simple steps below to make a deposit to octafx’s live trading account with mastercard.

  1. Go to octafx official website.

  2. Log in to the client portal.

  3. Select the mastercard method in the deposit menu, follow a few simple steps, and confirm your request.

  4. You’ll be prompted to the provider’s page. Enter your card details and press pay.

  5. If required, enter the security code you’ve received in a text message or notification and press submit.

  6. Done. Check your balance and start trading.

With octafx, you can also use your smartphones (android, iphone, and ipad) to trade forex and cfds too.

You can find out more about octafx’s mobile applications in the page here.

How to withdraw funds via mastercard?

Fund withdrawal via mastercard will be only executed to the same card you’ve previously used for making a deposit.

Follow the steps below to withdraw funds from octafx’s live trading account via mastercard.

  1. Go to octafx official website.

  2. Log in to the client portal.

  3. Select the mastercard method in the withdrawal menu.

  4. Specify your card details.

  5. Choose an account or wallet you want to withdraw the money from and specify the amount.

  6. Enter your octafx PIN and press request.

Enjoy the new method and have profitable trading experience.

Are you ready for mastercard deposits and withdrawals?

The login credentials for your account will be provided to your email.


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Octafx with low spreads, no swaps, no commissions. The online broker made for serious investors.


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Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

50% bonus on each deposit

1. Open an account

2. Make a deposit in your account

3. Increase your deposit by half with our bonus

4. Withdraw bonus funds

your deposit amount $400
50% bonus we provide $200
divide your bonus by half $200/2
number of lots to trade 100 lots

Trade more and get more profit with our bonus

Without bonus

Get more profit using 50% bonus 50% bonus

Manage your bonuses wisely

Know when to apply the bonus: you can activate it for your deposit at any time.

Decide upon the bonus amount you want to apply.

If you cancel the bonus, mind that it will be deducted from your free margin at full.

When your bonus progress hits 100% you can use this money for other accounts and go on investing.

What you can do with a deposit bonus

Every day

  1. Apply for a 50% bonus.

  2. Set a maximum leverage.

  3. Open positions of up to 750 times greater than your initial investment.

  • On special occasions

    1. Make a deposit and track our offers.

    2. Seize the best trading conditions during our events.

    3. Multiply your profit potential 2,000 times.

  • Promotion rules

    • Deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • The bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc. Unless stated otherwise.

    • Deposit bonus shall not be credited in case account free margin is less than your bonus amount.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.

    • The client can claim a deposit bonus on each deposit he makes. The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.

    • Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.

    • "total bonus" denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account. Total bonus is affected when a part of the total bonus is withdrawn or cancelled or when additional bonuses are credited to the client’s account.

    • "active bonus" denotes the amount of bonus which can be used to open positions by adding it to the account’s equity. The amount of active bonus cannot exceed 100% of the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance, therefore this value will fluctuate according to live conditions.

    • Ctrader deposit bonus can’t be used instead of, separately or before the account’s balance. If the account’s balance is zero, so will be the amount of active bonus.

    • It is required to trade (bonus amount)/2 (bonus amount divided by two) standard lots to be able to withdraw a bonus.

    • The deposit bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc., unless stated otherwise.

    • The deposit bonus shall be added to the total bonus in your account and remain there until the volume requirements are met or the bonus is canceled. After the required volume is traded the bonus will be withdrawn from the total bonus in your account and an equal amount of money will be added to your account’s balance.

    • The bonus for each deposit is considered a separate bonus and will have its own volume requirements.

    • Volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can't withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is credited to the client’s account. The required volume for each deposit is calculated separately.

    • The bonus can be withdrawn ONLY if by the moment of lots calculation, the bonus is still present in the account. If a client had traded the required volume, but the bonus has already been canceled, it would not be added or compensated.

    • If the trader's own funds are withdrawn after the bonus has been credited, the bonus will be canceled.

    • A client can cancel deposit bonus at any time. Once deposit bonus is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated.

    • Octafx may reject client's bonus application(s) at any time without prior notification or providing reasons for such decision.

    • Octafx may cancel a client's bonus at any time without prior notification.

    • Any situation not described in these rules shall be subject to the company's decision.

    • Octafx reserves the right to change, update or cancel this promotion with notification in the company news.

    Bonuses explained in examples:
    ex.1: you make a 1000 USD deposit and get a 500 USD bonus. Your account balance will be 1000 USD, equity 1000+500=1500 USD, total bonus 500 USD. To be able to withdraw this bonus you will need to trade 500/2=250 standard lots, without time limit. Later you make another 800 USD deposit to your account and get a 400 USD bonus. Your balance will be 1800 (1000 + 800) USD, equity will be 2700 (1000+500+800+400) USD, total bonus will be 900 (500+400) USD. To be able to withdraw the second bonus you will need to trade another 400/2 standard lots.

    In this example after you trade first 250 standard lots and complete the volume requirements for the first deposit bonus in your account, the bonus amount (500 USD) will be withdrawn from the total bonus, leaving its value at 400 (900 -500) USD. At the same time the equal amount of money (500 USD) will be added to your account’s balance.

    Ex.2: you make 200 USD deposit and get 100 USD bonus. The balance in your account will be 200 USD, equity 300 USD, total bonus 100 USD, active bonus 100 USD. Then you close 1 unfortunate trade with a loss of 110 USD. Account balance will be 90 USD, total bonus will still be 100 USD, but active bonus will be also 90 USD now, therefore equity will be 180 USD.

    Cara melakukan deposit ke akun trading forex octafx

    Untuk memulai trading di akun real forex dan menghasilkan uang, anda harus melakukan deposit. Sebelum melakukan deposit, harap diketahui bahwa octafx tidak mengenakan komisi untuk deposit dan penarikan dana. Bahkan, octafx menanggung biaya yang dikenakan oleh sistem pembayaran. Kami juga tidak membatasi jumlah deposit tiap harinya. Deposit dengan menggunakan bank lokal akan diproses selama 1-3 jam kerja, deposit melalui kartu kredit/debit dan e-wallet prosesnya instan.

    Minimal deposit untuk akun pro di metatrader 5 adalah $500. Para trader forex dari indonesia, pakistan, malaysia, thailand, india, vietnam dan nigeria dapat melakukan deposit dan penarikan dana menggunakan rekening bank lokal mereka. Octafx menyediakan berbagai bank lokal yang bisa anda pilih.

    Seperti yang dijelaskan di awal, bagi mereka yang tidak bisa menggunakan bank lokal, kami menyediakan layanan pembayaran lainnya dan kartu kredit:

    • Kartu kredit atau debit visa

    • Bitcoin

    • Skrill

    • Neteller

    • Fasapay

    • Help2pay

    Cara melakukan deposit melalui bank

    1. Masuk ke personal area dan tekan deposit di menu bagian atas layar atau di menu bagian kanan.

    Anda bisa menemukan menu “deposit” di menu sebelah kanan seperti yang ditampilkan di gambar

    2. Pilih bank lokal yang tersedia.

    Pilih metode pembayaran yang paling sesuai dengan anda. Bank lokal memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan deposit dalam jumlah besar.

    3. Pilih aktifkan kurs tetap di atas metode pembayaran jika anda ingin melakukan deposit ke akun ini dan melakukan penarikan dari akun yang sama dengan nilai tukar 1 USD = 10.000 IDR

    Ini merupakan opsi permanen dan hanya berfungsi untuk akun mikro metatrader 4 dalam USD begitu hal ini diterapkan. Tanpa opsi tersebut, kurs yang ditentukan oleh BCA-lah yang akan diberlakukan.

    4. Untuk transfer bank, anda harus memilih salah satu opsi, yang akan anda gunakan untuk menambahkan dana ke dalam akun anda: melalui ATM, melalui online banking, atau melalui setoran tunai di cabang-cabang bank terdekat di kota anda.

    Online banking: masuk ke online atau mobile banking anda, masukkan rincian bank kami, dan buat cuplikan layar (screenshot) atas transaksi yang berhasil dilakukan.

    ATM: temukan ATM terdekat dari lokasi anda, pilih transfer bank, masukkan rincian bank kami dari halaman deposit, dan masukkan uang anda ke dalam mesin ATM.

    Kantor cabang bank: pergi ke kantor cabang bank anda dan berikan rincian bank kami berikut dana investasi anda kepada pegawai bank (teller).

    Sebagai contoh, anda memilih BCA dan ingin melakukan transfer melalui online banking.

    Pastikan anda menggunakan data yang benar dalam proses deposit. Harap periksa kembali jumlah dana yang anda transfer karena harus sama dengan yang anda cantumkan dalam permintaan deposit. Di sini anda bisa melihat rincian rekening bank lokal kami.

    Mohon diperhatikan: jika anda memasukkan ’forex’, ’octafx’, ’fx’ dan lain sebagainya dalam kolom preferensi penerima, maka deposit anda akan ditolak.

    Anda hanya dapat melakukan deposit dari akun bank dan kartu anda.

    Mohon berikan notifikasi sesudah transfer hanya setelah anda mengirimkan dana.

    5. Notifikasi sesudah transfer

    Di langkah selanjutnya, anda harus mengisi formulir deposit: isi jumlah dananya, pilih nama bank dan jenis transfernya, masukkan nomor rekening bank anda dan tanggal pembayarannya.

    Mohon dicatat: unggah bukti pembayaran untuk mempercepat proses deposit. Lalu, klik konfirmasi permintaan dan mulai trading.

    Begitu anda mengkonfirmasi permintaan, maka statusnya akan menjadi pending hingga diproses oleh pihak bank dan departemen finansial kami sesuai dengan jam kerja mereka (senin-jumat pukul 06:00-15:00 EET).

    Ketika transfer selesai, anda akan memperoleh push-notification di personal area dan pemberitahuan melalui e-mail.

    Langkah terakhir adalah mendownload platform trading pilihan anda dan anda sudah siap untuk masuk ke market forex! Silakan ikuti link berikut untuk download software-nya:

    Kami juga merekomendasikan anda untuk membaca menu edukasi kami yang menjelaskan tentang strategi trading forex, tutorial forex dan panduan platform.

    Cara membuat deposit di akaun dagangan forex octafx

    Untuk memulakan dagangan pada akaun real forex dan menjana pendapatan, anda perlu membuat deposit. Sebelum membuat deposit, anda perlu tahu bahawa octafx tidak mengenakan bayaran komisen untuk deposit atau pengeluaran. Tambahan lagi, octafx menanggung bayaran yang dikenakan oleh sistem pembayaran. Kami juga tidak mengehadkan bilangan deposit setiap hari. Deposit dengan bank tempatan diproses dalam masa 1-3 jam, kad kredit/debit dan deposit e-dompet adalah segera.

    Deposit minimum untuk akaun pro di metatrader 5 ialah $500. Pedagang forex dari indonesia, pakistan, malaysia, thailand, india, vietnam dan nigeria boleh membuat deposit dan pengeluaran menggunakan bank tempatan mereka. Octafx menyokong pelbagai bank tempatan yang boleh anda pilih.

    Seperti yang dinyatakan sebelum ini, bagi mereka yang tidak boleh menggunakan bank tempatan, kami menyokong perkhidmatan pembayaran dan kad kredit yang berbeza:

    • Kad visa kredit atau debit

    • Bitcoin

    • Skrill

    • Neteller

    • Fasapay

    Cara membuat deposit bank

    1) log masuk ke akaun. Cari “deposit”

    Anda boleh menemui butang “deposit” dalam menu atas atau bar sisi seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar.

    2) pilih antara bank tempatan yang tersedia.

    Ketersediaan bank tempatan bergantung pada rantau yang anda isi semasa proses pendaftaran.

    Sebagai contoh, pedagang indonesia boleh memilih antara mandiri, BCA, BNI dan BRI. Misalnya, mari kita pilih BCA. Anda boleh memilih jumlah deposit daripada pilihan yang ditawarkan atau meletakkan jumlah yang anda inginkan.

    3) pilih kaedah deposit bank pilihan

    Terdapat tiga cara anda boleh membuat deposit pindahan kawat iaitu ATM, perbankan dalam talian dan deposit tunai di cawangan bank:

    • Jika anda membuat deposit dalam talian, anda perlu membuka aplikasi/laman web perbankan dalam talian anda, kemudian buat pemindahan dengan kelayakan yang diberikan dan buat tangkapan skrin bagi transaksi yang diproses.

    • Cari ATM yang terdekat dan buat deposit menggunakan butiran bank yang diberikan di halaman deposit.

    • Anda juga boleh membuat deposit wang tunai di cawangan bank anda.

    Pastikan anda menggunakan data yang betul dalam proses deposit. Sila semak semula jumlah deposit, kerana ia mesti sama dengan jumlah yang anda nyatakan dalam permintaan deposit. Di sini anda dapat melihat kelayakan bank yang kami bekerjasama.

    4. Beritahu selepas pemindahan bank berjaya

    Pada langkah seterusnya, anda perlu mengisi borang deposit: tetapkan jumlah, pilih bank dan jenis pemindahan, masukkan nombor akaun bank anda dan tarikh pembayaran. Kami akan memproses transaksi anda lebih cepat jika anda memuat naik bukti pembayaran (tangkapan skrin daripada perbankan dalam talian atau slip pembayaran). Lihat gambar 4:

    Sebaik sahaja anda mengesahkan permintaan, ia akan ditetapkan sebagai belum selesai sehingga diproses oleh bank dan jabatan kewangan kami dalam waktu bekerja (isnin-jumaat 06:00-15:00 EET).

    Deposit e-dompet dan kad kredit

    Anda juga boleh membuat deposit dengan kad kredit/debit, bitcoin atau e-dompet. Deposit sedemikian dikreditkan dengan segera. Prosesnya sangat mudah:

    1) anda perlu memilih kaedah deposit

    Kita akan memilih skrill sebagai contoh deposit e-dompet.

    2) isikan jumlah deposit

    Taipkan jumlah yang anda ingin depositkan dan klik ‘teruskan’.

    3) semak semula dan sahkan deposit

    Kemudian semak semula maklumat dan klik ‘sahkan’. Selepas pengesahan, anda akan dihalakan semula ke halaman skrill. Log masuk ke akaun skrill anda dan teruskan proses deposit. Apabila permintaan diproses, dana akan dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan anda.

    4) log masuk ke sistem pembayaran anda

    5) buat pemindahan

    Deposit dengan kad

    Harap maklum, mengikutdasar AML kami, anda perlu mengesahkan kad kredit/debit anda kerana kami tidak dapat menerima transaksi daripada pihak ketiga. Untuk membuat deposit, anda perlu memasukkan jumlah deposit, mengesahkannya dan mengisi butiran kad kredit/debit anda di dalam borang.

    Deposit dengan bitcoin

    Anda juga boleh membuat deposit dengan bitcoin. Selepas memilih ‘bitcoin’ dalam senarai kaedah pembayaran, anda akan melihat kadar pertukaran semasa dan alamat dompet kami. Kemudian anda perlu membuka dompet bitcoin anda dan memproses transaksi.

    Langkah terakhir adalah untuk memuat turun platform dagangan pilihan anda dan anda sudah bersedia untuk memasuki pasaran forex! Sila ikut pautan ini untuk memuat turun perisian:

    Octafx minimum deposit

    The octafx minimum deposit amount that octafx requires is US dollar 100.

    The minimum deposit amount of US dollar 100 when registering a live account is equivalent to ZAR1,766.87 at the current exchange rate between US dollar and south african rand on the day and at the time that this article was written.

    Octafx is based in SVG and cyprus and is authorized and regulated by demanding regulating entities namely cysec and FSA, and as a regulated broker, one of the requirements is that client funds be kept in segregated accounts.

    In complying with this, amidst several other strict rules and regulations, all client funds must be kept separate from the broker account, and it can only be used by traders to conduct trading activities.

    In addition to ensuring client fund security through segregated accounts, regulated brokers such as octafx are required to be a member of a compensation scheme or fund which pays out a certain amount to eligible clients in the case of company insolvency.

    Deposit fees and deposit methods

    Octafx does not charge any fees when deposits are made into the trader’s account.

    Traders can make use of the following payment methods through which the minimum deposit amount can be paid:

    • Credit/debit card

    • Bank wire transfer

    • Bitcoin

    • Skrill, and

    • Neteller

    Octafx only supports two deposit currencies in which traders can fund their accounts including:

    • USD, and

    • EUR

    Traders should take note that payments made in any other currency apart from the base currencies of the various accounts may be subjected to conversion rates charged by their payment provider. The base currencies are USD and EUR.

    Step by step guide to deposit the minimum amount

    Once the trader has completed the process of registering on the website, the trader can make the initial minimum deposit by following these steps:

    1. Log into the client portal and select ‘deposit’

    2. Select the deposit method along with the amount.

    3. After the trader has made their selection, they will be redirected to the payment processor page to confirm their deposit.

    Traders should take note that with making deposits by using bank wire transfer, the transactions may take a certain amount of time depending on the method, time of the day, and day of the week.

    Bank wire transfers take anything from a day to a few business days depending on the time the payment was made during the day along with the day of the week.

    Pros and cons

    1. Deposit fees and withdrawal fees are not charged 1. Only a few payment options provided
    2. Quick and easy depositing of funds 2. Only two supported deposit currencies

    What is the minimum deposit for octafx?

    How do I make a deposit and withdrawal with octafx?

    You can make use of the following payment methods to deposit or withdraw funds:

    • Credit/debit card

    • Bank wire transfer

    • Bitcoin

    • Skrill, and

    • Neteller

    so, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: discover the octafx minimum deposit needed to open an account, and the best way to do it, depending on base currencies, funding methods and more. At octafx deposit

    Contents of the article

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