Instaforex api
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach.
Today forex bonuses
By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here. Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Instaforex api
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
User say thank:
Hi, bisa kontak nomor dibawah ini, kebetulan saya seting membuat program yg integrasi dengan MT4
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Oh iya gan ketika ane masuk ke cabinet ckien memang di situ ada program API yang trading itu bisa dilakukan tanpa harus memantau di mt4.
Memang ane daftar disitu,tetapi sampai saat ini terus terang ane belum tahu cara menggunakannya,mungkin karena sudah terbiasa trading di mt4.
Oh iya gan ketika ane masuk ke cabinet ckien memang di situ ada program API yang trading itu bisa dilakukan tanpa harus memantau di mt4.
Memang ane daftar disitu,tetapi sampai saat ini terus terang ane belum tahu cara menggunakannya,mungkin karena sudah terbiasa trading di mt4.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Enter the market hanya saat sesuai dengan setup pilihan.
Saat pergerakan tidak sesuai analisa, just get out off the market!
Halo semua, maaf saya baru disini, saya mau tanya apakah disini ada yang bisa mengontrol metatrader menggunakan bahasa pemprograman lain yang lebih sederhana seperti python gtu?
Saya pinginnya nanti biar kita bisa membuat interface sendiri, tidak harus menggunakan metatrader. Oh iya barang kali apakah dari pihak instaforex ada menyediakan API?
Mohon bimbingannya master2
Instaforex api
Mau nanya nih.. Ada gak yang sudah pernah memakai MT4 api. Klo ada share pengalaman dong disini.
Klo udah ada yang nanya tentang ini. Harap di hapus aja bang momod.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Pernah denger,punya dll nya..
Tapi gk prnh nyoba
Pernah denger,punya dll nya..
Tapi gk prnh nyoba
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Instaforex review
Instaforex informations générales
Description du courtier instaforex
Instaforex est une marque renommée qui a été fondée en 2007. La marque compte plus de 7 millions de clients et plus de 1 000 nouveaux comptes ouverts tous les deux jours. Instaforex garantit que les traders peuvent bénéficier d'opportunités de trading fantastiques et que leurs transactions sont également exécutées avec compétence de plus, les clients peuvent obtenir de l'aide quand ils en ont besoin grâce à un service après-vente fiable, disponible 24h / 24.
Comptes de trading
Instaforex a créé deux catégories de comptes de trading pour veiller à ce que les clients puissent effectuer des transactions significatives. Les comptes sont segmentés selon la méthode des commissions et des écarts comptables.
Comptes de trading insta.Standard
Ces types de comptes sont axés sur des conditions de négociation standard, dont voici les éléments.
- Les conditions commerciales sont standard.
- Les frais ne sont pas nécessaires
- Un spread fixe est payé une fois qu'un trader est au travail avec tous les instruments de trading.
- Toutes les catégories de commerçants peuvent travailler avec elle.
- Les traders peuvent changer le levier commercial
- Micro forex trade qui est un dépôt minimum de 1 $ -10 $)
- Mini forex c'est-à-dire dépôt minimum de 100 $)
- Forex standard (10000 $)
Comptes de trading insta.Eurica
Voici les caractéristiques de ce type de compte de trading
- La propagation n'est pas obligatoirement payée lors de l'ouverture d'un trade
- Les spreads zéro sont appliqués
- Idéal pour les débutants
- Ce compte ne nécessite aucune propagation pour être payé lors d'une ouverture de commerce. Pour la plupart
Cent. Comptes de trading standard et cent.Eurica
- Le volume d'échange minimum est autorisé
- Micro forex qui a un volume de lot de 0,0001
- Aucun risque pour les dépôts
Sécurité des fonds
Négocier avec instaforex vous évite toute inquiétude quant à la sécurité de vos actifs. Dès que vous récupérez un compte chez le courtier, vous bénéficiez d'une protection complète couvrant à la fois les aspects financiers et techniques. Les mesures de sécurité mises en place protègent votre compte contre les pirates, mais vous apportent également une sécurité supplémentaire qui exclut toute possibilité de violation de votre compte. La protection fournie ne vous mettra pas à l’esprit et est efficace à 100%. Les mesures de sécurité utilisées par instaforex pour protéger les fonds de leurs clients sont les suivantes:
- SMS de sécurité au niveau de la banque. La sécurité des SMS empêche les pirates de retirer tout retrait non autorisé de votre compte. Chaque retrait nécessite une vérification du commerçant. Il fait un excellent travail en vous avertissant de toute tentative malveillante sur votre compte.
- Journaux de l'accès au cabinet client. Il vous donne un historique de toutes les connexions dans votre armoire. Les informations de journalisation sont là pour assurer que le client est au courant en cas d'attaque de son compte par retrait.
- Sécurité du retrait aux articles non vérifiés. Dès que vous effectuez des dépôts sur votre compte avec l'aide d'un compte bancaire ou d'un système de paiement, les conditions requises sont vérifiées. Cependant, il est impossible pour les mêmes conditions requises pour obtenir une vérification de retirer plus que les conditions particulières déposées.
- Authentification à deux facteurs destinée à protéger vos informations personnelles. L'authentification à deux facteurs va un pas en avant et offre une meilleure sécurité qu'un mot de passe unique.
- Technologie sécurisée HTTPS / SSL qui protège le commerçant contre l'écoute électronique du trafic avec l'intention de mettre la main sur des mots de passe.
- Le courtier fournit un clavier virtuel aux traders qui se connectent à leurs comptes à l'aide d'ordinateurs situés dans des cybercafés. Il protège le client des espions de mots de passe.
- Le courtier offre au client la possibilité d'ouvrir un compte séparé, ce qui lui permet de garder son argent loin de celui du courtier.
Conditions commerciales
Dépôt initial minimum
Le client est tenu de faire un dépôt minimum initial de 1 USD par le biais de systèmes de paiement électroniques, de 50 USD par carte et de 300 USD par la banque.
Un écart minimum allant de 3 pips
Plateformes de trading
Le courtier fournit aux clients les plateformes de trading suivantes.
Metatrader4 est la principale plateforme de trading instaforex. Les avantages liés aux transactions via metatrader4 incluent:
- Permet aux traders d'effectuer une analyse technique leur permettant également d'obtenir des nouvelles et des critiques du courtier par d'autres traders.
- Permet aux traders d'évaluer plusieurs instruments de financement.
- C'est très fiable
- C'est pratique
- Il est multifonctionnel
- A une interface conviviale
La principale raison pour laquelle instaforex a introduit cette plateforme est qu’elle a permis aux traders d’échanger directement à partir du navigateur internet. Les autres avantages du trading avec webtrader sont
- L'interface est conviviale.
- Permet l'efficacité du trading avec plusieurs options.
- Permet de citer les modifications en ligne.
Option IFX commerce
Comme son nom l’indique, la plate-forme IFX option trade est le meilleur choix pour les options de trading des clients: les traders peuvent la télécharger.
Instaforex offre aux clients qui utilisent des options de téléchargement IFX option trade, l’un des composants de la plate-forme instaforex. Le programme est facile à installer car il est défini manuellement dans le dossier de la plateforme de trading. Le principal avantage de la plate-forme est qu’elle offre au trader l’opportunité d’échanger une grande variété d’options, le plus efficacement et le plus facilement possible. En tant que commerçant, à condition que la plate-forme soit installée, vous serez en mesure de vendre et d'acheter des options tout en surveillant l'historique du commerce.
Visualiseur de taux de change
La visionneuse de taux forex fait également partie des plates-formes que les développeurs instaforex ont pu intégrer à leur système. La plate-forme tient les traders au courant des changements et des tendances du marché: ce qui s’est avéré utile pour le tradeur. Forex rates viewer a également ses avantages.
- Il a une interface infaillible.
- C'est pratique
- Installation simple
Les promotions
Le commerçant donne un bonus de club pour chaque nouveau dépôt.
Modes de paiement
Instaforex permet à ses traders d'effectuer des dépôts et des retraits via diverses options:
- Cartes de crédit et de débit
- Virement bancaire
- Megatransfer
- Transfert paxum
- Payco
- Skrill
- Neteller
- Boleto
- Bitcoin
Les clients d’instaforex sont également autorisés à transférer des fonds à des clients d’autres sociétés.
EN BREF SUR instaforex
Instaforex est à la fois un courtier CFD et un forex, fort de nombreuses années d’expérience sur le marché: il en dit long sur sa dextérité pour fournir aux traders un excellent service, parmi d’autres avantages, qui se traduisent par une maîtrise du commerce. Vous pouvez consulter les avis et commentaires des clients instaforex pour avoir un aperçu de l'expérience d'autres clients avec la société de courtage.
Instaforex review
Regulated by: cysec, BVI, FSC
Headquarters: russian federation
Ranking: 9
Spread: 0.3 pips (EURUSD)
Leverage: 1000:1
Minimum deposit: $1
Instaforex review & author's comment
Instaforex is founded in 2007, headquartered in russia and regulated by cysec in cyprus and FSC in british virgin islands. My experience with instaforex dates back to 2011. I came across with this broker upon my research for a new broker after the firm I used to trade with lost their FCA license and my loyalty still continues. I still have an active trading account with instaforex where I trade occasionally.
Instaforex is among very few forex brokers that offer all ECN, swap-free, nano and managed account types in one place for traders. Customer care team is really attentive and speak many languages. You are going to get only 0.3 pips spread on EURUSD if you open a eurica account which is remarkably low. Last but not least, negative balance protection ensures that you are not going to owe to the broker more than you deposited. A very good broker in every respect.
Is instaforex reliable?
A russia-based ECN brokerage company, the instaforex has been active in the forex market since the year 2007. Operated by two different companies, one of the companies administering instaforex is registered offshore whereas the other one was is registered in europe and is regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission or cysec.
One of the things that make instaforex really proud is the fact that more than 2 million traders across the globe use their platform to trade. Most importantly, the clients of the brokerage are increasing at the rate of 1000 new account openings every day. The brokerage allows you to trade on different products. It offers you 88 cfds on US stocks, 107 currency pairs, bitcoin through metaquotes platform as well as different futures and commodities.
It is not hard to imagine how hugely popular instaforex is among its customers. Due to the extraordinary service this company offers, it has been awarded the prestigious best broker in asia award by the world finance and british magazine for three consecutive years. Other than that the broker has also won several significant awards and accolades from different mass media giants like CNBC business magazine and european CEO. Famous for its achievements, the milestones achieved by instaforex are continuously exhibited in several popular exhibitions like showfx world and showfx asia.
Instaforex account types
With instaforex, you will be able to get a choice of four different account types. The account types can be divided into two major categories; the first being standard type and the second is named as eurica. All of these account types are easily accessible with just a deposit of $1 and they provide leverage up to 1:1000. Furthermore, these account types come with the cent and micro account options and offer an annual interest rate of 5%.
The standard accounts are obviously commission free and they offer fixed spread. However, the eurica ones offer you to trade without spread which is really unheard of. But with the eurica accounts, you will have to pay a certain amount similar to 3 pips a spread as commission.
Moreover, instaforex also provides swap free or islamic services. You will also get the PAMM service which allows you to invest in portfolios that render investment services. PAMM service allows instaforex clients to invest in portfolio managers’ accounts and to accept investments from other instaforex traders’ accounts.
Instaforex customer support
Instaforex is known for providing one of the best customer support in online forex trading industry. You will be able to get the required help through email or telephone 24/7 throughout the year. Furthermore, you can also reach out to them through chat from 7:00 to 16:00 UTC. The best thing about instaforex is that it offers different from telephone numbers for different departments. As a result, you will be able to reach the respective department you are looking for without having to wait.
Instaforex trading platform
One of the most interesting things about instaforex is that it offers you both metatrader 4 as well as the advanced metatrader 5 trading platforms.
Metatrader 4 is a widely acclaimed trading platform which offers a variety of trading tools, more than 50 inbuilt indicators, an efficient charting package and a plethora of expert advisors or eas as well as back-testing options. With this platform, traders only need to download it, set their expert advisors and the MT4 will do all the work for them.
Instaforex also offers VPS hosting to ensure the smooth functioning of eas. Furthermore, the VPS can be obtained for free by traders having an account balance of 5000 USD.
The broker also offers you the highly advanced as well as versatile metatrader 5 platform. The MT5 platform has been gaining huge popularity lately as the platform recently added efficient hedging options along with several other features. With the MT5 platform, you will be able to execute several orders in different financial markets and exchanges without any hassle. The platform also comes with advanced eas, charting packages, alerts, customizable indicators and signals.
Apart from that, this brokerage also provides you with forex copy system. This feature allows you to copy orders from successful traders. Every trader who uses the forex copy system may follow the trading strategies by selecting respected traders from a publicly available monitoring list to achieve success.A forex copy trader allowing others to copy the trade will get commissions on either per day basis or on the profit obtained from the trade. If you choose the latter one then you will have to only pay for the profit that you obtain from the trade.
Instaforex deposit and withdrawals
While instaforex allows you to use different payment options, it makes it mandatory for you to use the method that you have used for depositing to withdraw money. The payment can be made using credit cards, bank wire, instaforex debit card, skrill, moneybookers, neteller and a plethora of other options. But there are few payment options which may charge some fees on transactions. You can also use bitcoins to invest money without any transaction cost.
Instaforex bonus and promotions
- LFC partnership bonus 100% – you get 100% bonus on your first deposit. This is bonus cant be used concurrently with other types of bonuses. 100% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus 55% – this bonus works each time you make deposit into your account. 55% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus – $30 bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Instaforex club bonus – additional bonuses for members of instaforex club. This type of bonus can be used with other types of bonuses.
Instaforex final word
Instaforex has become a popular name in the industry with the extraordinary services that it offers. And the brokerage continues to amaze traders by adopting new technologies and features into its system to allow the traders to achieve success from their trades. Though it is not bound by any huge regulation, it still offers maximum security and options which make instaforex a worthy choice.
Instaforex – step by step live account opening guide
Just like most of the other forex brokers, opening a live trading account with instaforex starts with going to the broker’s web site. At homepage, click the “instant account opening” button at the header. Following the click, the registration form will appear.
Step 1 – fill the registration form
This is a very quick form that requests your basic personal information such as your first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number and country. Press the green “open trading account” button after you filled the form properly.
Instaforex review
Regulated by: cysec, BVI, FSC
Headquarters: russian federation
Ranking: 9
Spread: 0.3 pips (EURUSD)
Leverage: 1000:1
Minimum deposit: $1
Instaforex review & author's comment
Instaforex is founded in 2007, headquartered in russia and regulated by cysec in cyprus and FSC in british virgin islands. My experience with instaforex dates back to 2011. I came across with this broker upon my research for a new broker after the firm I used to trade with lost their FCA license and my loyalty still continues. I still have an active trading account with instaforex where I trade occasionally.
Instaforex is among very few forex brokers that offer all ECN, swap-free, nano and managed account types in one place for traders. Customer care team is really attentive and speak many languages. You are going to get only 0.3 pips spread on EURUSD if you open a eurica account which is remarkably low. Last but not least, negative balance protection ensures that you are not going to owe to the broker more than you deposited. A very good broker in every respect.
Is instaforex reliable?
A russia-based ECN brokerage company, the instaforex has been active in the forex market since the year 2007. Operated by two different companies, one of the companies administering instaforex is registered offshore whereas the other one was is registered in europe and is regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission or cysec.
One of the things that make instaforex really proud is the fact that more than 2 million traders across the globe use their platform to trade. Most importantly, the clients of the brokerage are increasing at the rate of 1000 new account openings every day. The brokerage allows you to trade on different products. It offers you 88 cfds on US stocks, 107 currency pairs, bitcoin through metaquotes platform as well as different futures and commodities.
It is not hard to imagine how hugely popular instaforex is among its customers. Due to the extraordinary service this company offers, it has been awarded the prestigious best broker in asia award by the world finance and british magazine for three consecutive years. Other than that the broker has also won several significant awards and accolades from different mass media giants like CNBC business magazine and european CEO. Famous for its achievements, the milestones achieved by instaforex are continuously exhibited in several popular exhibitions like showfx world and showfx asia.
Instaforex account types
With instaforex, you will be able to get a choice of four different account types. The account types can be divided into two major categories; the first being standard type and the second is named as eurica. All of these account types are easily accessible with just a deposit of $1 and they provide leverage up to 1:1000. Furthermore, these account types come with the cent and micro account options and offer an annual interest rate of 5%.
The standard accounts are obviously commission free and they offer fixed spread. However, the eurica ones offer you to trade without spread which is really unheard of. But with the eurica accounts, you will have to pay a certain amount similar to 3 pips a spread as commission.
Moreover, instaforex also provides swap free or islamic services. You will also get the PAMM service which allows you to invest in portfolios that render investment services. PAMM service allows instaforex clients to invest in portfolio managers’ accounts and to accept investments from other instaforex traders’ accounts.
Instaforex customer support
Instaforex is known for providing one of the best customer support in online forex trading industry. You will be able to get the required help through email or telephone 24/7 throughout the year. Furthermore, you can also reach out to them through chat from 7:00 to 16:00 UTC. The best thing about instaforex is that it offers different from telephone numbers for different departments. As a result, you will be able to reach the respective department you are looking for without having to wait.
Instaforex trading platform
One of the most interesting things about instaforex is that it offers you both metatrader 4 as well as the advanced metatrader 5 trading platforms.
Metatrader 4 is a widely acclaimed trading platform which offers a variety of trading tools, more than 50 inbuilt indicators, an efficient charting package and a plethora of expert advisors or eas as well as back-testing options. With this platform, traders only need to download it, set their expert advisors and the MT4 will do all the work for them.
Instaforex also offers VPS hosting to ensure the smooth functioning of eas. Furthermore, the VPS can be obtained for free by traders having an account balance of 5000 USD.
The broker also offers you the highly advanced as well as versatile metatrader 5 platform. The MT5 platform has been gaining huge popularity lately as the platform recently added efficient hedging options along with several other features. With the MT5 platform, you will be able to execute several orders in different financial markets and exchanges without any hassle. The platform also comes with advanced eas, charting packages, alerts, customizable indicators and signals.
Apart from that, this brokerage also provides you with forex copy system. This feature allows you to copy orders from successful traders. Every trader who uses the forex copy system may follow the trading strategies by selecting respected traders from a publicly available monitoring list to achieve success.A forex copy trader allowing others to copy the trade will get commissions on either per day basis or on the profit obtained from the trade. If you choose the latter one then you will have to only pay for the profit that you obtain from the trade.
Instaforex deposit and withdrawals
While instaforex allows you to use different payment options, it makes it mandatory for you to use the method that you have used for depositing to withdraw money. The payment can be made using credit cards, bank wire, instaforex debit card, skrill, moneybookers, neteller and a plethora of other options. But there are few payment options which may charge some fees on transactions. You can also use bitcoins to invest money without any transaction cost.
Instaforex bonus and promotions
- LFC partnership bonus 100% – you get 100% bonus on your first deposit. This is bonus cant be used concurrently with other types of bonuses. 100% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus 55% – this bonus works each time you make deposit into your account. 55% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus – $30 bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Instaforex club bonus – additional bonuses for members of instaforex club. This type of bonus can be used with other types of bonuses.
Instaforex final word
Instaforex has become a popular name in the industry with the extraordinary services that it offers. And the brokerage continues to amaze traders by adopting new technologies and features into its system to allow the traders to achieve success from their trades. Though it is not bound by any huge regulation, it still offers maximum security and options which make instaforex a worthy choice.
Instaforex – step by step live account opening guide
Just like most of the other forex brokers, opening a live trading account with instaforex starts with going to the broker’s web site. At homepage, click the “instant account opening” button at the header. Following the click, the registration form will appear.
Step 1 – fill the registration form
This is a very quick form that requests your basic personal information such as your first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number and country. Press the green “open trading account” button after you filled the form properly.
Instaforex review
Regulated by: cysec, BVI, FSC
Headquarters: russian federation
Ranking: 9
Spread: 0.3 pips (EURUSD)
Leverage: 1000:1
Minimum deposit: $1
Instaforex review & author's comment
Instaforex is founded in 2007, headquartered in russia and regulated by cysec in cyprus and FSC in british virgin islands. My experience with instaforex dates back to 2011. I came across with this broker upon my research for a new broker after the firm I used to trade with lost their FCA license and my loyalty still continues. I still have an active trading account with instaforex where I trade occasionally.
Instaforex is among very few forex brokers that offer all ECN, swap-free, nano and managed account types in one place for traders. Customer care team is really attentive and speak many languages. You are going to get only 0.3 pips spread on EURUSD if you open a eurica account which is remarkably low. Last but not least, negative balance protection ensures that you are not going to owe to the broker more than you deposited. A very good broker in every respect.
Is instaforex reliable?
A russia-based ECN brokerage company, the instaforex has been active in the forex market since the year 2007. Operated by two different companies, one of the companies administering instaforex is registered offshore whereas the other one was is registered in europe and is regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission or cysec.
One of the things that make instaforex really proud is the fact that more than 2 million traders across the globe use their platform to trade. Most importantly, the clients of the brokerage are increasing at the rate of 1000 new account openings every day. The brokerage allows you to trade on different products. It offers you 88 cfds on US stocks, 107 currency pairs, bitcoin through metaquotes platform as well as different futures and commodities.
It is not hard to imagine how hugely popular instaforex is among its customers. Due to the extraordinary service this company offers, it has been awarded the prestigious best broker in asia award by the world finance and british magazine for three consecutive years. Other than that the broker has also won several significant awards and accolades from different mass media giants like CNBC business magazine and european CEO. Famous for its achievements, the milestones achieved by instaforex are continuously exhibited in several popular exhibitions like showfx world and showfx asia.
Instaforex account types
With instaforex, you will be able to get a choice of four different account types. The account types can be divided into two major categories; the first being standard type and the second is named as eurica. All of these account types are easily accessible with just a deposit of $1 and they provide leverage up to 1:1000. Furthermore, these account types come with the cent and micro account options and offer an annual interest rate of 5%.
The standard accounts are obviously commission free and they offer fixed spread. However, the eurica ones offer you to trade without spread which is really unheard of. But with the eurica accounts, you will have to pay a certain amount similar to 3 pips a spread as commission.
Moreover, instaforex also provides swap free or islamic services. You will also get the PAMM service which allows you to invest in portfolios that render investment services. PAMM service allows instaforex clients to invest in portfolio managers’ accounts and to accept investments from other instaforex traders’ accounts.
Instaforex customer support
Instaforex is known for providing one of the best customer support in online forex trading industry. You will be able to get the required help through email or telephone 24/7 throughout the year. Furthermore, you can also reach out to them through chat from 7:00 to 16:00 UTC. The best thing about instaforex is that it offers different from telephone numbers for different departments. As a result, you will be able to reach the respective department you are looking for without having to wait.
Instaforex trading platform
One of the most interesting things about instaforex is that it offers you both metatrader 4 as well as the advanced metatrader 5 trading platforms.
Metatrader 4 is a widely acclaimed trading platform which offers a variety of trading tools, more than 50 inbuilt indicators, an efficient charting package and a plethora of expert advisors or eas as well as back-testing options. With this platform, traders only need to download it, set their expert advisors and the MT4 will do all the work for them.
Instaforex also offers VPS hosting to ensure the smooth functioning of eas. Furthermore, the VPS can be obtained for free by traders having an account balance of 5000 USD.
The broker also offers you the highly advanced as well as versatile metatrader 5 platform. The MT5 platform has been gaining huge popularity lately as the platform recently added efficient hedging options along with several other features. With the MT5 platform, you will be able to execute several orders in different financial markets and exchanges without any hassle. The platform also comes with advanced eas, charting packages, alerts, customizable indicators and signals.
Apart from that, this brokerage also provides you with forex copy system. This feature allows you to copy orders from successful traders. Every trader who uses the forex copy system may follow the trading strategies by selecting respected traders from a publicly available monitoring list to achieve success.A forex copy trader allowing others to copy the trade will get commissions on either per day basis or on the profit obtained from the trade. If you choose the latter one then you will have to only pay for the profit that you obtain from the trade.
Instaforex deposit and withdrawals
While instaforex allows you to use different payment options, it makes it mandatory for you to use the method that you have used for depositing to withdraw money. The payment can be made using credit cards, bank wire, instaforex debit card, skrill, moneybookers, neteller and a plethora of other options. But there are few payment options which may charge some fees on transactions. You can also use bitcoins to invest money without any transaction cost.
Instaforex bonus and promotions
- LFC partnership bonus 100% – you get 100% bonus on your first deposit. This is bonus cant be used concurrently with other types of bonuses. 100% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus 55% – this bonus works each time you make deposit into your account. 55% bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Welcome bonus – $30 bonus is credited to your account instantly after you complete the application.
- Instaforex club bonus – additional bonuses for members of instaforex club. This type of bonus can be used with other types of bonuses.
Instaforex final word
Instaforex has become a popular name in the industry with the extraordinary services that it offers. And the brokerage continues to amaze traders by adopting new technologies and features into its system to allow the traders to achieve success from their trades. Though it is not bound by any huge regulation, it still offers maximum security and options which make instaforex a worthy choice.
Instaforex – step by step live account opening guide
Just like most of the other forex brokers, opening a live trading account with instaforex starts with going to the broker’s web site. At homepage, click the “instant account opening” button at the header. Following the click, the registration form will appear.
Step 1 – fill the registration form
This is a very quick form that requests your basic personal information such as your first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number and country. Press the green “open trading account” button after you filled the form properly.
Informasi instaforex & layanan rebate di prenfx group
Cashback atau rebate instaforex indonesia
Broker populer
Instrument trading
Rebate instaforex tinggi
Pembayaran rebate

Profil perusahaan
- Perusahaan : instaforex ltd
- Didirikan : 2007
- Alamat : 30 teatralnaya, the 4th and 5th floor, kaliningrad
- Website : https://www.Instaforex.Com
Instaforex didirikan pada tahun 2007 dan saat ini merupakan pilihan teratas oleh lebih dari 2.000.000 trader. Lebih dari 1.000 klien membuka akun dengan instaforex setiap harinya. Trader bisa menetapkan leverage dalam kisaran mulai 1:1 hingga 1:1000, trading dengan swap atau bebas swap, serta bebas komisi. Selain itu, klien instaforex memiliki akses ke one-click trading, penawaran khusus and bonus. Prioritas kami adalah memberikan layanan dengan jangkauan luas untuk setiap klien di berbagai tahapan dimulai dari registrasi akun baru hingga penarikan uang.
Metode pembayaran rebate

Rebate instaforex
- Akun cent.Standard : 1.4 pips
- Akun cent.Eurica : 1.4 pips
- Akun insta.Standard : 1.4 pips
- Akun insta.Eurica: 1.4 pips
Syarat & ketentuan rebate
- Rebate ( cashback ) hanya diberikan kepada akun instaforex yang terdaftar di bawah afiliasi prenfx (ID partner : KZRK )
- Terdaftar dalam komunitas prenfx. Jika belum terdaftar, silahkan daftar secara gratis
- Semua akun MT4 / MT5 harus di validasi di member area sistem prenfx
- Minimal close order adalah 5 menit
- Pembayaran rebate dilakukan sesuai jadwal pembayaran rebate kami
- Minimum penarikan rebate adalah $5 atau setara
- Jika penarikan rebate kurang dari yang ditetapkan, maka akan diakumulasi dengan berikutnya
- Karena alasan teknikal, rebate di bawah $ 0.01 tidak dapat ditambahkan dalam sistem prenfx, jadi tidak boleh diklaim
Ketentuan perdagangan & perbandingan akun instaforex
minimum deposit | $1 | $1 | $1 | $1 |
maximum leverage | 1 : 1000 | 1 : 1000 | 1 : 1000 | 1 : 1000 |
minimum lot size | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
increment | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
size per lot | 1000 unit | 1000 unit | 10.000 unit | 10.000 unit |
account currency | USD | USD | USD | USD |
commission | tidak | mulai $3 | tidak | mulai $3 |
spreads | mulai 3.0 pips | mulai 0.0 pips | mulai 3.0 pips | mulai 0.0 pips |
decimal price | 5 digits | 5 digits | 5 digits | 5 digits |
execution | instant execution | instant execution | instant execution | instant execution |
margin call | 30% | 30% | 30% | 30% |
stop out | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% |
free swap | ya | ya | ya | ya |
instrument | forex , metals, CFD's | forex , metals, CFD's | forex , metals, CFD's | forex , metals, CFD's |
trading platform | MT4, MT5,webtrader, ios, android | MT4, MT5, webtrader, ios, android | MT4, MT5, webtrader, ios, android | MT4, MT5, webtrader, ios, android |
Metode pendanaan
- Deposit : skrill, neteller, bank wire, payco, ukash, unionpay, bitcoin, paxum,webmoney
- Withdrawal : skrill, neteller, bank wire, payco, ukash, unionpay, bitcoin, paxum,webmoney
- Mata uang : USD, EUR
Dukungan instaforex
- Dukungan 24 jam : ya
- Bahasa : english, farsi, russian, vietnamese, thai, malay, indonesian
- Halaman kontak :kontak
Regulasi instaforex
- Negara : SV & the grenadines , british virgin islands
- Badan regulator : FSA SV , FSC BVI
- Link : www.Svgfsa.Com , www.Bfifsc.Vg
Bagaimana cara mendapatkan rebate atau cashback instaforex indonesia ?
Rebate instaforex akun trading baru
- Daftar instaforex via link afiliasi prenfx
silahkan buka akun instaforex menggunakan link afiliasi kami ->buka live akun - Tambah akun baru anda ke member area prenfx
setiap akun trading yang anda buat ( MT4 / MT5 ), silahkan tambahkan akun trading anda ke sistem prenfx. - Validasi oleh tim kami
tim kami akan melakukan validasi akun trading anda, jika status akun trading anda ” aktif ” maka akun tersebut berada di bawah afiliasi prenfx - Deposit & trading normal
jika status akun trading anda telah aktif, setiap perdagangan yang anda lakukan akan menerima cashback atau rebate sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang ada.
Rebate instaforex akun trading yang sudah ada
Untuk menempatkan akun perdagangan anda di bawah kelompok ib prenfx, anda perlu mengirim email ke support@instaforex.Com menggunakan email terdaftar anda di instaforex. Harap juga BCC ke support@prenfx.Com, contoh email yang disebutkan di bawah ini.
I’m very interesting to join with prenfx community,
please place my account …………… (put your new account number with instaforex ) under IB KZRK
I want to be under this group not only at the MT4 account level, but at the profile level
Segera setelah akun anda ditempatkan di grup ib prenfx, silahkan kirim kami konfirmasi ke support@prenfx.Com. Kami membutuhkan tindakan ini untuk mempercepat persetujuan akun anda dengan sistem kami.
Whatsapp : +62 85 2297 55888
telegram : +62 85 2297 55888
skype : pren.Fx
email: support@prenfx.Com
partnership : partner@prenfx.Com
Note :
whatsapp & telegram ( fast respon )
CFD dan forex trading adalah produk leverage dan modal anda berisiko. Mereka mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua orang. Silahkan pastikan anda memahami sepenuhnya risiko yang terlibat dalam perdagangan ini dan jangan menginvestasikan uang yang anda tidak mampu untuk kehilangan
Prenfx bukan merupakan bagian dari broker mitra, hanya sebagai IB ( introducer broker ) yang membantu klien dalam batasan layanan cashback atau rebate. Segala kerugian yang di akibatkan oleh broker mitra bukan merupakan tanggungjawab prenfx.
Prenfx tidak menerima investasi dalam bentuk apapun dan tidak menjalin kerjasama dengan pengelola investasi manapun baik di indonesia ataupun di luar indonesia. Segala bentuk investasi yang mengatasnamakan prenfx bukan dari pihak prenfx
Все, что вам нравится в МТ4, плюс все преимущества исключительного качества исполнения сделок и конкурентные спреды OANDA.
Откройте и пополните торговый счет OANDA.
Выберите субсчет МТ4 и переведите средства.
Загрузите платформу МТ4 и войдите в систему, используя номер вашего счета.
Простые инструкции по установке приводятся в нашем видеоролике «как настроить MT4».
Постройте торговые алгоритмы и проведите ретроспективное тестирование ваших торговых стратегий. OANDA MT4 обеспечивает полную поддержку приложения EA (expert advisors), в том числе операций, требующих возможностей хеджирования.
Торгуйте прямо со страницы графиков: девять временных периодов и несколько экранов, включая пять свечей в неделю на сервере GMT+2. Проведите анализ рынка и ищите торговые возможности, используя более 50 встроенных индикаторов, включая индикатор «книга заявок» МТ4 OANDA.
Получите плагин МТ4 для технического анализа OANDA, который включает внутридневной анализ рынка, автоматическое распознавание кривой, индикаторы качества кривой, автоматические уведомления об определенных кривых и возможность совершать сделки непосредственно в данном интерфейсе.
Сократите время задержки еще больше — настройте VPS-сервер OANDA. Загрузите мобильное приложение МТ4 и проводите торговые операции по вашему счету МТ4 OANDA из любого места, где бы вы ни были.
Откройте демо-счет. Это поможет вам разработать торговую стратегию.
Откройте реальный счет уже сейчас, и вы сможете торговать через несколько минут.
Убытки могут превысить инвестиции.
Вопросы и ответы
Чтобы войти в систему OANDA MT4, введите номер счета и пароль, привязанные к вашему субсчету МТ4, затем выберите сервер, который вам необходим.
I. Чтобы определить номер субсчета МТ4:
ii. Войдите в систему на сайте OANDA.
Iii. Нажмите на «управление средствами» (просмотр).
Iv. Выберите счет с пиктограммой МТ4.
V. Помните: номер вашего субсчета МТ4 будет служить идентификатором пользователя.
Какой из серверов МТ4 следует выбрать?
A. Серверы реальных торговых счетов:
i. OANDA V20 live — ориентирован на время закрытия в нью-йорке и поддерживает пять дневных свечей в неделю. Используйте этот сервер, если на странице «управление средствами» вашего счета имеется тег v20.
Ii. Поддерживает счета MT4 v20 с функцией хеджирования.
Iii. OANDA GMT+2 live — ориентирован на время закрытия в нью-йорке и поддерживает пять дневных свечей в неделю. Поддерживает счета с функцией MT4 hedging compatibility.
Iv. OANDA GMT-5 live — ориентирован на полночь по восточному времени (США), а значит поддерживает 6 дневных свечей в неделю. Не поддерживает функцию хеджирования.
B. Серверы торговых демо-счетов:
i. OANDA V20 practice — используйте этот сервер, если на странице «управление средствами» вашего счета имеется тег v20. Не поддерживает функцию хеджирования.
Ii. OANDA GMT-5 practice — не поддерживает функцию хеджирования.
Внимание: только японские клиенты имеют право доступа к серверам japan live и japan practice. Указанные серверы недоступны для клиентов из других регионов.
Каков объем сделки в системе OANDA MT4?
Что такое expert advisor?
Expert advisors (EA) представляют собой приложения, написанные на языке metaquotes language 4 (MQL 4) и используемые для автоматизации аналитических процедур и торговых процессов. Эти приложения выполняют быстрый технический анализ данных о ценах и обеспечивают управление торговыми операциями на основе заданных торговых стратегий. В приложении EA может быть запрограммирована вся текущая работа по техническому анализу. Однако следует иметь в виду, что для использования приложений EA платформа metatrader 4 OANDA должна быть установлена на вашем компьютере и подключена к серверам OANDA.
Важное примечание: expert advisors представляют собой автоматизированные торговые инструменты, разработанные третьими лицами. OANDA не обеспечивает поддержку EA, разработанных третьими лицами, и не несет ответственности за какие-либо убытки, понесенные в результате использования инструмента ЕА на платформе metatrader 4.
Что такое индивидуальный индикатор?
Могу ли я проводить сделки через мой счет МТ4 с других торговых платформ OANDA?
Вы можете открыть и закрывать сделки по вашему счету МТ4, пользуясь настольными и мобильными торговыми платформами OANDA.
Примечание: для корректной синхронизации счета с интерфейсом МТ4 и во избежание разницы, возникающей при округлении, такие сделки следует проводить в лотах или минилотах.
Каковы основные различия между настольной торговой системой OANDA и платформой МТ4?
A. Вход: чтобы войти в настольную торговую систему OANDA, необходимо имя пользователя и пароль. Чтобы войти в систему МТ4, необходим номер субсчета МТ4 и уникальный пароль.
B. Единицы и лоты: на настольной торговой платформе OANDA вы можете проводить операции с любыми суммами, даже одной единицей. В системе МТ4 вы можете торговать только лотами (100 000 единиц), минилотами (десятые доли лота) и микролотами (сотые доли лота).
C. Построение свечных графиков: настольная торговая платформа OANDA обеспечивает графическое отображение всех свечей, возникающих в течение торгового дня, на основе среднего значения, курса покупки или курса продажи (по вашему выбору). В системе МТ4 все свечи основаны на цене покупки и построение свечных графиков, не содержащих тиков, не поддерживается.
D. Сальдо счета, отчеты: время от времени может возникать нарушение синхронизации между двумя торговыми платформами, и тогда они показывают разные данные. В таком случае во всех расчетах, включая закрытие позиции из-за недостатка маржи, используется сальдо, отражаемое в настольной торговой системе OANDA.
Что происходит в случае уведомления о недостатке маржи? Получу ли я сообщение от платформы МТ4, прежде чем будет инициировано закрытие позиции из-за недостатка маржи?
Расчет величины маржи, при которой направляется уведомление и выполняется закрытие позиции из-за недостатка маржи, всегда производится серверами OANDA. Если на вашем счете недостаточно средств для покрытия всех открытых позиций, серверы OANDA закроют их. Эти данные будут переданы на сервер МТ4 и представлены как закрытие множества позиций.
К сожалению, платформа МТ4 не имеет функции направления уведомления о недостатке маржи. Однако, когда вы входите в свой торговый счет OANDA, вы видите подробные данные о состоянии и сальдо счета.
Почему мне приходит сообщение «off quotes»?
Это сообщение может быть вызвано несколькими причинами:
1. На вашем торговом счете недостаточно средств для совершения сделки.
2. На рынке недостаточно ликвидности для проведения вашей сделки.
3. Вы превысили максимальный объем сделки.
4. Срок действия вашего лимитированного приказа превышает максимальное значение в 100 дней.
5. В МТ4 отсутствует последний тик для этого инструмента (в этом случае вы все равно можете торговать этим инструментом на других платформах OANDA).
6. Вы пытаетесь закрыть позицию в приказе, не соответствующем правилу FIFO национальной фьючерсной ассоциации. В момент, когда вы пытаетесь закрыть позицию, на ваш почтовый ящик МТ4 должно прийти сообщение, содержащее подробное разъяснение.
Почему я не вижу приказы входа, размещенные на настольной или мобильной платформе OANDA, в системе МТ4?
Как «трейлинг стоп» работает на платформе OANDA MT4?
Когда я могу войти в систему OANDA MT4?
Что означают балансовые операции в истории операций по счету на платформе OANDA MT4?
Какой объем исторических данных публикуется в системе МТ4 по сравнению с OANDA MT4?
Поддерживает ли OANDA систему МТ5?
Каким образом я могу вносить средства на мой счет OANDA?
Каковы правила расчета маржи OANDA?
Где можно найти регистрационные формы, правовую и торговую документацию OANDA?
Какой период истории операции по счету доступен на платформе OANDA MT4?
OANDA хранит историю операций по счету на платформе МТ4 за период до 90 дней для всех клиентов. По истечении 45 дней закрытые лимитированные и стоп-приказы удаляются с платформы МТ4, а по истечении 90 дней удаляются все остальные закрытые приказы (при этом вся история операций по-прежнему доступна в соответствующем разделе счета OANDA).
Примечание: если функция уведомлений МТ4 включена, вы можете получить уведомление об удалении старых приказов в выходные дни, когда рынки закрыты. Эти уведомления носят информативный характер. Их можно игнорировать.
Прикладной программный интерфейс (API) MQL4 для MT4
Включите в ваш клиент МТ4 ссылки на несколько специальных предустановленных индикаторов и скриптов OANDA или создайте собственные с помощью API MQL4 для МТ4.
Заявление об отказе от ответственности
Функции хеджирования недоступны для резидентов соединенных штатов америки.
Контракты на разницу и операции с драгоценными металлами НЕДОСТУПНЫ для резидентов соединенных штатов америки.
Комиссией по торговле товарными фьючерсами (CFTC) установлены следующие ограничения размера заемного капитала, которым могут пользоваться трейдеры-физические лица на рынке форекс в США: 50 : 1 по основным валютным парам и 20:1 по другим парам валют. OANDA asia pacific предлагает максимальное кредитное плечо 50 : 1 по продуктам форекс. По операциям с контрактами на разницу применяются ограничения кредитного плеча. Максимальный размер кредитного плеча для клиентов OANDA canada устанавливается организацией по регулированию инвестиционной деятельности канады (IIROC) и может изменяться. Подробная информация приводится в разделе «выполнение регуляторных и финансовых требований».
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Торговля контрактами на иностранную валюту или иными внебиржевыми продуктами с использованием маржи и кредитного плеча влечет высокие риски и подходит не всем инвесторам. Рекомендуем вам тщательно оценить, подходят ли вам такие торговые операции с учетом ваших личных обстоятельств. Ваши убытки могут превысить объем ваших инвестиций. Информация, приведенная на данном сайте, носит общий характер. Рекомендуем вам до начала торговли обратиться за помощью к независимым консультантам и убедиться, что вы полностью понимаете все сопутствующие риски. Торговля посредством онлайн-платформы влечет дополнительные риски. См. Раздел «правовые вопросы» здесь.
Финансовый спред-беттинг доступен только клиентам OANDA europe ltd, являющимся резидентами соединенного королевства или республики ирландия. Контракты на разницу, функции хеджирования МТ4 и кредитное плечо свыше 50:1 недоступны для резидентов соединенных штатов америки. Информация на этом сайте не предназначена для жителей стран, в которых ее распространение или использование любым лицом противоречит местным законам и правилам.
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Деятельность OANDA australia pty ltd регулируется австралийской комиссией по ценным бумагам и инвестициям (ASIC) (рег. Номер ABN 26 152 088 349, рег. Номер AFSL 412981). Компания является поставщиком и эмитентом продуктов и (или) услуг, представленных на данном сайте. Перед принятием любых решений о финансовых инвестициях настоятельно рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с текущими версиями руководства по финансовым услугам (FSG), заявления о раскрытии информации о продуктах ('PDS'), условий открытия и ведения счета и другими документами OANDA. Указанные документы можно найти здесь.
OANDA corporation — уполномоченный посредник в срочных биржевых операциях и валютный дилер, зарегистрированный комиссией по торговле товарными фьючерсами; член национальной фьючерсной ассоциации, рег. № 0325821. В необходимых случаях см. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ НФА ДЛЯ ИНВЕСТОРОВ НА РЫНКЕ ФОРЕКС.
Компания с ограниченной ответственностью OANDA europe limited зарегистрирована в англии, регистрационный номер 7110087, юридический адрес: tower 42, floor 9a, 25 old broad st, london EC2N 1HQ. Деятельность компании лицензирована и регулируется управлением финансового надзора, лицензия № 542574.
OANDA japan co., ltd. — первый директор по операциям с финансовыми инструментами типа kanto local financial bureau (kin-sho), рег. № 2137; член ассоциации финансовых фьючерсов, рег. № 1571.
OANDA asia pacific pte ltd (рег. № 200704926K) имеет лицензию на оказание услуг на рынках капиталов, выданную валютным управлением сингапура, а также лицензию комитета по развитию международной торговли сингапура (IE singapore).
OANDA europe markets limited - компания, зарегистрированная на мальте под номером C 95813, и ее зарегистрированный офис находится по адресу олд бэйкери стрит, 171, валетта. Она уполномочена и регулируется управлением по финансовым услугам мальты как держатель лицензии на инвестиционные услуги категории 3 для предоставления услуг резидентам европейского союза.
Forex trading tips & stratgies
Welcome to forex trading.Company! Here we hope to provide you with the tools, tips and strategies you need to learn to trade forex. We don't have a full tutorial yet, but we've collected some of the best strategies, such as fundamental and technical analysis, guides to major forex indicators and reviews of the best forex brokers to help you start profiting from the currency markets.
We've also got tools for more experienced traders, such as our live forex trading charts, complete with the latest currency news and insights from the market. There's also an exploration of other ways to trade, such as spread betting, trading binary options and social trading. We also cover a range of techniques, from CFD trading strategies to day trading forex, as well as other instruments such as commodities, etfs and specific markets such as oil trading and gold trading.
The best forex brokers + trading platforms
Trading strategies
Forex indicators
Beginners guides
What is foreign exchange trading?
The foreign exchange market, commonly known as “ forex ” or “ FX ”, is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed-upon price.
A trader buys one currency and selling another at the same time, and this is why exchange rates are expressed in terms of currency pairs. You buy dollars for pounds; you sell roubles for south african rand – by definition, you cannot buy or sell a given currency without acquiring another one.
The value of currencies changes constantly, due to events in:
World politics
Macroeconomics, and
World business.
The common goal of traders is to profit from these changes in the value of one currency against another - by actively speculating on which way currency prices are likely to turn in the future.

How does the market function?
The global currency market is very different from those of stock markets.
There are no local forex markets: currencies are traded in one single global forex market that operates 24 hours a day, from 10 p.M. GMT on sunday to 10 p.M. GMT on friday.
There are, however, local market hours that have an effect on trading, even if trading does not cease when these market close – for example, the london forex market opens at 8:00 a.M. GMT on monday and closes that evening at 5:00 p.M. GMT. Trading in the british pound goes on without the slightest interruption after 5:00 p.M. GMT. That said, trading volume can be considerably lower outside of local banking hours which can give rise to increased volatility, leading to larger price movements and risk.
There are a great deal more trades of the british pound during the opening hours of the london market, and there are specific trading patterns observable during open market hours.
What is a forex pair?
A forex pair is a term such as 'EURUSD', 'GBPUSD' or 'USDJPY', which can be used to find a price for one currency versus another. For example, the pair USD/JPY describes how many japanese yen (JPY) you can buy with one US dollar (USD). The first currency is the base currency you are using to buy, while the second currency symbol is the units you will receive on a trade. For example, the forex quote of GBPUSD denotes how many USD you will receive for the cost of 1 GBP.
These prices are calculated in real time based on trades from all around the world. The trading market is international and operates 24/7 meaning these prices can change all the time. Forex traders seek to profit over the price movements in the market, using leverage to buy currencies at a low price and sell at a higher price. Trading opportunities can present themselves due to news and technical market analysis that suggests a rising or falling trend in price.
Learn more: understanding currency pairs
What impacts the price of a foreign currency?
The price of a foreign currency is in many ways a reflection of investor's confidence in that country's economy. The global market in forex can move on the basis of a headline, surprising economic data or a myriad of other reasons, but one of the biggest factors is the country's interest rate. Typically when a central bank raises the interest rate funds from around the world will flood in, seeking to earn more from their cash. This increases the demand for a currency and pushes up the price. Likewise a cut will have investors wondering if they can seek better returns elsewhere, leading to a fall in the currency's value. Of course any suggestion a cut or raise could be imminent could influence the price long before the rate changes. Sometimes a policy decision is so well known in advance it is considered 'priced in', and on the day there may be little to no movement at all.
Is it safe to trade forex?
Trading currencies can be lucrative, however it's not surprising that it comes with a heavy risk warning. The majority of retail traders - as high as 80% - will lose money. Currency trading is highly speculative and unpredictable, and due to leveraged trades a position may shift from winning to losing quickly despite only a small change in price. Organisations such as the financial conduct authority in the UK and ECSMA in europe have raised concerns and are in the process of introducing more legislation to protect traders, but for now it's important to research carefully before committing to a risky trade. See is forex trading A safe investment?
How can you become a forex trader?
To start trading the currency market you will need to open a trading account at a good forex broker. Most platforms will offer a demo account to allow you to get to grips with the system before committing real money, so use it widely. Software platforms vary - the most popular, metatrader 4 (MT4) may be a little overwhelming for beginners, and there are many new and polished web based alternatives to consider. Learn how to make money trading forex
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Contents of the article
- Today forex bonuses
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- Instaforex review
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- Instaforex final word
- Instaforex – step by step live account opening...
- Instaforex review
- Regulated by: cysec, BVI, FSC
- Headquarters: russian federation
- Ranking: 9
- Spread: 0.3 pips (EURUSD)
- Leverage: 1000:1
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- Instaforex review & author's comment
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- Instaforex customer support
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- Instaforex deposit and withdrawals
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- Instaforex final word
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- Вопросы и ответы
- Прикладной программный интерфейс (API) MQL4 для...
- Forex trading tips & stratgies
- The best forex brokers + trading platforms
- What is foreign exchange trading?
- How does the market function?
- What is a forex pair?
- What impacts the price of a foreign currency?
- Is it safe to trade forex?
- How can you become a forex trader?
- The best forex brokers + trading platforms
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