Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.

What is p150 in forex

How much risk is enough?
So just how should a trader go about playing for meaningful stakes?

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Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.

Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.

Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.

First of all, all traders must assess their own appetites for risk. Traders should only play the markets with "risk money," meaning that if they did lose it all, they would not be destitute. Second, each trader must define - in money terms - just how much they are prepared to lose on any single trade. So for example, if a trader has $10,000 available for trading, he or she must decide what percentage of that $10,000 he or she is willing to risk on any one trade. Usually this percentage is about 2-3%. Depending on your resources, and your appetite for risk, you could increase that percentage to 5% or even 10%, but I would not recommend more than that. To determine how much you should put at stake in your trade, and to get the maximum bang for your buck, you should always calculate the number of pips you will lose if the market goes against you if your stop is hit. Using stops in forex markets is typically more critical than for equity investing because the small changes in currency relations can quickly result in massive losses.

Position sizing: the way to profit in forex

It has been said that the single most important factor in building equity in your trading account is the size of the position you take in your trades. In fact, position sizing will account for the quickest and most magnified returns that a trade can generate. Here we take a controversial look at risk and position sizing in the forex market and give you some tips on how to use it to your advantage.

The undiversified portfolio
in the book "the zurich axioms" (2005), author max gunther states that in order to break away from the "great un-rich," an investor must avoid the temptation of diversification. This is controversial advice, since most financial advice encourages investors to diversify their portfolios to ensure protection against calamity. Unfortunately, nobody gets rich from diversification. At best, diversification tends to balance winners with losers, thus providing a mediocre gain.

The author goes on to say that investors should "keep all [their] eggs in just one or two baskets" and then "look after those baskets very well". In other words, if you are to make real headway with your trading, you will need to "play for meaningful stakes" in those areas where you have sufficient information to make an investment decision.

To measure the relevance of this concept, one need only to look at two of the most successful investors in the world, warren buffet and george soros. Both of these investors do play for meaningful stakes. In 1992, george soros bet billions of dollars that the british pound would be devalued and thus sold pounds in significant amounts. This bet earned him more than $1 billion virtually overnight. Another example is warren buffet's purchase of burlington railroad for $26 billion - a significant stake to say the least. In fact, warren buffett has been known to scoff at the notion of diversification, saying that "it makes very little sense for those who know what they are doing."

High stakes in forex
the forex market, in particular, is a venue where large bets can be placed thanks to the ability to leverage positions and a 24-hour trading system that provides constant liquidity. In fact, leverage is one of the ways to "play for meaningful stakes". With just a relatively small initial investment, you can control a rather large position in the forex markets; 100:1 leverage being quite common. Plus, the market's liquidity in the major currencies ensures that a position can be entered into or liquidated at cyber speed. This speed of execution makes it essential that investors also know when to exit a trade. In other words, be sure to measure the potential risk of any trade and set stops that will take you out of the trade quickly and still leave you in a comfortable position to take the next trade. While entering large leveraged positions does provide possibility of generating large profits in short order, it also means exposure to more risk.

How much risk is enough?
So just how should a trader go about playing for meaningful stakes? First of all, all traders must assess their own appetites for risk. Traders should only play the markets with "risk money," meaning that if they did lose it all, they would not be destitute. Second, each trader must define - in money terms - just how much they are prepared to lose on any single trade. So for example, if a trader has $10,000 available for trading, he or she must decide what percentage of that $10,000 he or she is willing to risk on any one trade. Usually this percentage is about 2-3%. Depending on your resources, and your appetite for risk, you could increase that percentage to 5% or even 10%, but I would not recommend more than that.

So playing for meaningful stakes then takes on the meaning of managed speculation rather than wild gambling. If the risk to reward ratio of your potential trade is low enough, you can increase your stake. This of course leads to the question, "how much is my risk to reward on any particular trade?" answering this question properly requires an understanding of your methodology or your system's "expectancy". Basically, expectancy is the measure of your system's reliability and, therefore, the level of confidence that you will have in placing your trades.

Setting stops
to paraphrase george soros, "it's not whether you are right or wrong that matters, but how much you make when you are right and how much you lose when you are wrong."

To determine how much you should put at stake in your trade, and to get the maximum bang for your buck, you should always calculate the number of pips you will lose if the market goes against you if your stop is hit. Using stops in forex markets is typically more critical than for equity investing because the small changes in currency relations can quickly result in massive losses.

Let's say that you have determined your entry point for a trade and you have also calculated where you will place your stop. Suppose this stop is 20 pips away from your entry point. Let's also assume you have $10,000 available in your trading account. If the value of a pip is $10, assuming you are trading a standard lot, then 20 pips is equal to $200. This is equal to a 2% risk of your funds. If you are prepared to lose up to 4% in any one trade, then you could double your position and trade two standard lots. A loss in this trade would of course be $400, which is 4% of your available funds.

The bottom line
you should always bet enough in any trade to take advantage of the largest position size that your own personal risk profile allows while ensuring that you can still capitalize and make a profit on favorable events. It means taking on a risk that you can withstand, but going for the maximum each time that your particular trading philosophy, risk profile and resources will accommodate such a move.

An experienced trader should stalk the high probability trades, be patient and disciplined while waiting for them to set up and then bet the maximum amount available within the constraints of his or her own personal risk profile.

A warning about forex

Why are so many now getting into it?

If you’ve been on various social media platforms lately you may have noticed a lot of people posting about how they’ve recently gotten into trading currencies — foreign exchange or forex. Often they are suggesting that others join them on this “path to financial freedom.” personally, a lot of people who I knew starting posting about forex all the time. While it may seem intriguing — an easy way to make money, a “stock market” open seven days a week — it’s best to stay far away.

Forex in and of itself is not a scam. Foreign exchange is simply a way to convert one currency to another. But trading it is extremely risky — more akin to buying options the day they expire than purchasing a stock. Jumping into it without months, if not years of study, will almost certainly result in a loss. With that being said, what you see on social media is very much a scam.

The background

Why are people trading forex all of a sudden? There is an MLM, or pyramid scheme, called imarketslive. Imarketslive is an MLM to provides forex training at an upfront cost of $2,000 a year (institutional investor). In addition to providing training, which makes it an MLM is that you can actually earn income by participating in imarketslive.

There are a number of “tiers” with fancy names of income you can have, all based on the number of people you get to sign up for imarketslive — and all with fancy names. The ranks range from platinum 150, having 3 people signup below you in the pyramid, which affords $1,800 a year in income, all the way up to chairmain 500, getting 30,000 people to sign up below you. Chairman 500 gives a monthly salary of $500,000 (don’t worry, by signing up 30,000 people imarketslive made $60,000,000).

These people are desperate to promote how glamorous forex trading is and how profitable it is because if they don’t get enough people to sign up they are operating at a loss — and that’s before you take into account their forex losses.

The facts

Forex trades, especially binary options, are extremely risky. Most people participating in imarketslive trade what is called a binary option. A binary option is simply an options contract that pays out if the option expires in the money, and all money is lost if it expires out of the money. For example, if I bet that USDGBP trades at above 0.83, and it never goes above, I lose my investment. Similar to stock market options, binary options are extremely risky. Most trades result in a loss. There is no exact number available, but estimates are that more than 60% of forex traders do not take any returns and end up losing money.

The reason binary options are promoted is because of how simple they appear to be. Either you are right in your prediction, and you make money, or you are wrong and you lose all your money.

These online forex “traders” promote technical analysis as all you need to know to trade. If you’ve ever seen these “traders” posts — they all involve drawing simple trendlines up on a whiteboard or on an online chart and pass it off as an exact science. Technical analysis is anything but an exact science. A meta-analysis of the technical analysis found that most well-researched strategies do not return positive results (the profitability of technical analysis) — much less a few people on the internet drawing two peaks on a whiteboard and calling it a trend.

Should you trade forex?

Probably not. If you try to trade forex on a respectable brokerage like TD ameritrade you have to opt-in an acknowledge the risk associated with it — forex trading is not enabled by default and there's a good reason. It’s extremely risky and TD ameritrade wants to protect your investments.

The best thing to do is to follow the traditional advice. Don’t trade USDCHF in your TD forex account, buy the popular etfs and reits and put your savings in a high-interest account. And make sure not to fall for the quick money trap that online forex traders perpetuate.

This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered financial or legal advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.

Forex glossary

The price at which the market is prepared to sell a product. Prices are quoted two-way as bid/ask. The ask price is also known as the offer.

In FX trading, the ask represents the price at which a trader can buy the base currency, shown to the left in a currency pair. For example, in the quote USD/CHF 1.4527/32, the base currency is USD, and the ask price is 1.4532, meaning you can buy one US dollar for 1.4532 swiss francs.

In CFD trading, the ask also represents the price at which a trader can buy the product. For example, in the quote for UK OIL 111.13/111.16, the product quoted is UK OIL and the ask price is £111.16 for one unit of the underlying market.*

At best an instruction given to a dealer to buy or sell at the best rate that can be obtained at a specific time. At or better an instruction given to a dealer to buy or sell at a specific price or better. AUS 200 A term for the australian securities exchange (ASX 200), which is an index of the top 200 companies (by market capitalization) listed on the australian stock exchange. Aussie refers to the AUD/USD (australian dollar/U.S. Dollar) pair. Also "oz" or "ozzie".

A type of chart which consists of four significant points: the high and the low prices, which form the vertical bar; the opening price, which is marked with a horizontal line to the left of the bar; and the closing price, which is marked with a horizontal line to the right of the bar.

Barrier level A certain price of great importance included in the structure of a barrier option. If a barrier level price is reached, the terms of a specific barrier option call for a series of events to occur. Barrier option any number of different option structures (such as knock-in, knock-out, no touch, double-no-touch-DNT) that attaches great importance to a specific price trading. In a no-touch barrier, a large defined payout is awarded to the buyer of the option by the seller if the strike price is not 'touched' before expiry. This creates an incentive for the option seller to drive prices through the strike level and creates an incentive for the option buyer to defend the strike level. Base currency the first currency in a currency pair. It shows how much the base currency is worth as measured against the second currency. For example, if the USD/CHF (U.S. Dollar/swiss franc) rate equals 1.6215, then one USD is worth CHF 1.6215. In the forex market, the US dollar is normally considered the base currency for quotes, meaning that quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The primary exceptions to this rule are the british pound, the euro and the australian dollar. Base rate the lending rate of the central bank of a given country. Basing A chart pattern used in technical analysis that shows when demand and supply of a product are almost equal. It results in a narrow trading range and the merging of support and resistance levels. Basis point A unit of measurement used to describe the minimum change in the price of a product. Bearish/bear market negative for price direction; favoring a declining market. For example, "we are bearish EUR/USD" means that we think the euro will weaken against the dollar. Bears traders who expect prices to decline and may be holding short positions. Bid/ask spread the difference between the bid and the ask (offer) price. Bid price the price at which the market is prepared to buy a product. Prices are quoted two-way as bid/ask. In FX trading, the bid represents the price at which a trader can sell the base currency, shown to the left in a currency pair. For example, in the quote USD/CHF 1.4527/32, the base currency is USD, and the bid price is 1.4527, meaning you can sell one US dollar for 1.4527 swiss francs. In CFD trading, the bid also represents the price at which a trader can sell the product. For example, in the quote for UK OIL 111.13/111.16, the bid price is £111.13 for one unit of the underlying market.* big figure refers to the first three digits of a currency quote, such as 117 USD/JPY or 1.26 in EUR/USD. If the price moves by 1.5 big figures, it has moved 150 pips. BIS the bank for international settlements located in basel, switzerland, is the central bank for central banks. The BIS frequently acts as the market intermediary between national central banks and the market. The BIS has become increasingly active as central banks have increased their currency reserve management. When the BIS is reported to be buying or selling at a level, it is usually for a central bank and thus the amounts can be large. The BIS is used to avoid markets mistaking buying or selling interest for official government intervention. Black box the term used for systematic, model-based or technical traders. Blow off the upside equivalent of capitulation. When shorts throw in the towel and cover any remaining short positions. BOC bank of canada, the central bank of canada. BOE bank of england, the central bank of the UK. BOJ bank of japan, the central bank of japan. Bollinger bands A tool used by technical analysts. A band plotted two standard deviations on either side of a simple moving average, which often indicates support and resistance levels. Bond A name for debt which is issued for a specified period of time. Book in a professional trading environment, a book is the summary of a trader's or desk's total positions. British retail consortium (BRC) shop price index A british measure of the rate of inflation at various surveyed retailers. This index only looks at price changes in goods purchased in retail outlets. Broker an individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, bringing buyers and sellers together for a fee or commission. In contrast, a dealer commits capital and takes one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party. Buck market slang for one million units of a dollar-based currency pair, or for the US dollar in general. Bullish/bull market favoring a strengthening market and rising prices. For example, "we are bullish EUR/USD” means that we think the euro will strengthen against the dollar. Bulls traders who expect prices to rise and who may be holding long positions. Bundesbank germany's central bank. Buy taking a long position on a product. Buy dips looking to buy 20-30-pip/point pullbacks in the course of an intra-day trend.

One of approximately five times during the forex trading day when a large amount of currency must be bought or sold to fill a commercial customer’s orders. Typically these times are associated with market volatility. The regular fixes are as follows (all times NY):

10:00am - WMHCO (world market house company)

11:00am - WMHCO (world market house company) - more important

Flat or flat reading economic data readings matching the previous period's levels that are unchanged. Flat/square dealer jargon used to describe a position that has been completely reversed, e.G. You bought $500,000 and then sold $500,000, thereby creating a neutral (flat) position. Follow-through fresh buying or selling interest after a directional break of a particular price level. The lack of follow-through usually indicates a directional move will not be sustained and may reverse. FOMC federal open market committee, the policy-setting committee of the US federal reserve. FOMC minutes written record of FOMC policy-setting meetings are released three weeks following a meeting. The minutes provide more insight into the FOMC's deliberations and can generate significant market reactions. Foreign exchange/forex/FX the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The global market for such transactions is referred to as the forex or FX market. Forward the pre-specified exchange rate for a foreign exchange contract settling at some agreed future date, based on the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved. Forward points the pips added to or subtracted from the current exchange rate in order to calculate a forward price. FRA40 A name for the index of the top 40 companies (by market capitalization) listed on the french stock exchange. FRA40 is also known as CAC40. FTSE 100 the name of the UK 100 index. Fundamental analysis the assessment of all information available on a tradable product to determine its future outlook and therefore predict where the price is heading. Often non-measurable and subjective assessments, as well as quantifiable measurements, are made in fundamental analysis. Funds refers to hedge fund types active in the market. Also used as another term for the USD/CAD (U.S. Dollar/canadian dollar) pair. Future an agreement between two parties to execute a transaction at a specified time in the future when the price is agreed in the present. Futures contract an obligation to exchange a good or instrument at a set price and specified quantity grade at a future date. The primary difference between a future and a forward is that futures are typically traded over an exchange (exchange- traded contacts - ETC), versus forwards, which are considered over the counter (OTC) contracts. An OTC is any contract NOT traded on an exchange.

Illiquid little volume being traded in the market; a lack of liquidity often creates choppy market conditions.

Illiquid little volume being traded in the market; a lack of liquidity often creates choppy market conditions.

IMM international monetary market, the chicago-based currency futures market, that is part of the chicago mercantile exchange. IMM futures A traditional futures contract based on major currencies against the US dollar. IMM futures are traded on the floor of the chicago mercantile exchange. IMM session 8:00am - 3:00pm new york. INDU abbreviation for the dow jones industrial average. Industrial production measures the total value of output produced by manufacturers, mines and utilities. This data tends to react quickly to the expansions and contractions of the business cycle and can act as a leading indicator of employment and personal income data. Inflation an economic condition whereby prices for consumer goods rise, eroding purchasing power. Initial margin requirement the initial deposit of collateral required to enter into a position. Interbank rates the foreign exchange rates which large international banks quote to each other. Interest adjustments in cash to reflect the effect of owing or receiving the notional amount of equity of a CFD position. Intervention action by a central bank to affect the value of its currency by entering the market. Concerted intervention refers to action by a number of central banks to control exchange rates. Introducing broker A person or corporate entity which introduces accounts to a broker in return for a fee. INX symbol for S&P 500 index. IPO A private company’s initial offer of stock to the public. Short for initial public offering. ISM manufacturing index an index that assesses the state of the US manufacturing sector by surveying executives on expectations for future production, new orders, inventories, employment and deliveries. Values over 50 generally indicate an expansion, while values below 50 indicate contraction. ISM non-manufacturing an index that surveys service sector firms for their outlook, representing the other 80% of the US economy not covered by the ISM manufacturing report. Values over 50 generally indicate an expansion, while values below 50 indicate contraction.

In CFD trading, the ask represents the price a trader can buy the product. For example, in the quote for UK OIL 111.13/111.16, the product quoted is UK OIL and the ask price is £111.16 for one unit of the underlying market.*

Offered if a market is said to be trading offered, it means a pair is attracting heavy selling interest, or offers. Offsetting transaction A trade that cancels or offsets some or all of the market risk of an open position. On top attempting to sell at the current market order price. One cancels the other order (OCO) A designation for two orders whereby if one part of the two orders is executed, then the other is automatically cancelled. One touch an option that pays a fixed amount to the holder if the market touches the predetermined barrier level. Open order an order that will be executed when a market moves to its designated price. Normally associated with good 'til cancelled orders. Open position an active trade with corresponding unrealized P&L, which has not been offset by an equal and opposite deal. Option A derivative which gives the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a product at a specific price before a specified date. Order an instruction to execute a trade. Order book A system used to show market depth of traders willing to buy and sell at prices beyond the best available. Over the counter (OTC) used to describe any transaction that is not conducted via an exchange. Overnight position A trade that remains open until the next business day.

A rollover is the simultaneous closing of an open position for today's value date and the opening of the same position for the next day's value date at a price reflecting the interest rate differential between the two currencies.

In the spot forex market, trades must be settled in two business days. For example, if a trader sells 100,000 euros on tuesday, then the trader must deliver 100,000 euros on thursday, unless the position is rolled over. As a service to customers, all open forex positions at the end of the day (5:00 PM new york time) are automatically rolled over to the next settlement date. The rollover adjustment is simply the accounting of the cost-of-carry on a day-to-day basis. Learn more about FOREX.Com's rollover policy

Round trip A trade that has been opened and subsequently closed by an equal and opposite deal. Running profit/loss an indicator of the status of your open positions; that is, unrealized money that you would gain or lose should you close all your open positions at that point in time. RUT symbol for russell 2000 index.

The time remaining until a contract expires.

Tokyo session 09:00 – 18:00 (tokyo). Tomorrow next (tom/next) simultaneous buying and selling of a currency for delivery the following day. T/P stands for “take profit.” refers to limit orders that look to sell above the level that was bought, or buy back below the level that was sold. Trade balance measures the difference in value between imported and exported goods and services. Nations with trade surpluses (exports greater than imports), such as japan, tend to see their currencies appreciate, while countries with trade deficits (imports greater than exports), such as the US, tend to see their currencies weaken. Trade size the number of units of product in a contract or lot. Trading bid A pair is acting strong and/or moving higher; bids keep entering the market and pushing prices up. Trading halt A postponement to trading that is not a suspension from trading. Trading heavy A market that feels like it wants to move lower, usually associated with an offered market that will not rally despite buying attempts. Trading offered A pair is acting weak and/or moving lower, and offers to sell keep coming into the market. Trading range the range between the highest and lowest price of a stock usually expressed with reference to a period of time. For example: 52-week trading range. Trailing stop A trailing stop allows a trade to continue to gain in value when the market price moves in a favorable direction, but automatically closes the trade if the market price suddenly moves in an unfavorable direction by a specified distance. Placing contingent orders may not necessarily limit your losses. Transaction cost the cost of buying or selling a financial product. Transaction date the date on which a trade occurs. Trend price movement that produces a net change in value. An uptrend is identified by higher highs and higher lows. A downtrend is identified by lower highs and lower lows. Turnover the total money value or volume of all executed transactions in a given time period. Two-way price when both a bid and offer rate is quoted for a forex transaction. TYO10 symbol for CBOE 10-year treasury yield index.




Forex is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed price.

The market is the worlds most liquid market with 7.3 trillions dollars being traded daily.

Forex can be traded easily from any smartphone or computer.



We have partnered with a forbes recognized billion dollar company called imastery academy, which

Provides the educational tools to become successful within the market, while also providing an easy earn

While you learn method to accelerate the profit process. IM mastery academy is an educational platform

That is being used by hundreds of thousands of people world wide who want to learn about the forex market.





Supplement your learning with mentorship & guidance designed around your busy life & schedule with over 100 full-time educators.


Exclusive education for harmonic patterns in the forex markets helping you identify potential reversals in the market, giving you powerful insight & analysis for opportunities to earn.

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Copy and paste free trade signals sent to your phone by your team. Never miss an opportunity to make a profit.



Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.


Ashley is a bad-ass entrepreneur who was born and raised in las vegas, nevada. Implementing her drive and passion to be successful in every which way, she never slept on an opportunity to take a risk in trying new things. She craves success for others as well and will stop at nothing to ensure an opulent future for every single being she encounters. While mastering the skill of trading to impact and retire the masses, she simultaneously spends her long days and endless nights saving and enhancing lives across the nation through the gift of organ and tissue donation.



Eryn is an affluent and prosperous 23 yr old CEO born in las vegas and raised in northern california. Eryn attended college in santa barbara as a psychology major where she first met her business partner, and later in 2019, she transferred to finish school in las vegas. There, she was introduced to the FOREX trading market, all the meanwhile working full time as a pre-school teacher. With close to nothing to her name, she decided to take a leap of faith and ascend to greatness. She dedicated every aspect, every spark of energy, and every passing minute of her life into building an EMPIRE of successful like-minded leaders.

150(EUR) euro(EUR) to philippine peso(PHP)

150(EUR) euro(EUR) to philippine peso(PHP) currency rates today

This is the page of euro (EUR) to philippine peso (PHP) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit philippine peso(PHP) to euro(EUR).

Exchange rates updated: feb 01,2021 14:51 UTC

Full history please visit EUR/PHP history

date euro philippine peso
monday 01/02/2021 150 EUR = 8711.57507 PHP
sunday 31/01/2021 150 EUR = 8738.67266 PHP
saturday 30/01/2021 150 EUR = 8749.19437 PHP
friday 29/01/2021 150 EUR = 8751.1455 PHP
thursday 28/01/2021 150 EUR = 8742.89455 PHP
wednesday 27/01/2021 150 EUR = 8723.60517 PHP
tuesday 26/01/2021 150 EUR = 8772.3106 PHP
monday 25/01/2021 150 EUR = 8753.78993 PHP
sunday 24/01/2021 150 EUR = 8773.70442 PHP
saturday 23/01/2021 150 EUR = 8777.40023 PHP

Euro(EUR) To Philippine Peso(PHP) 10 day history

  • Euro / united states dollar

  • Euro / british pound

  • Euro / japanese yen

  • Euro / australian dollar

  • Euro / canadian dollar

  • Euro / swiss franc

  • Euro / chinese yuan

  • Euro / hong kong dollar

  • Euro / russian rouble

  • Euro / singapore dollar

  • Euro / indian rupee

  • Euro / mexican peso

Link to this page - if you would like to link to euro(EUR) to philippine peso(PHP) exchange rates. Please copy and paste the HTML from below into your page:




Forex is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed price.

The market is the worlds most liquid market with 7.3 trillions dollars being traded daily.

Forex can be traded easily from any smartphone or computer.



We have partnered with a forbes recognized billion dollar company called imastery academy, which

Provides the educational tools to become successful within the market, while also providing an easy earn

While you learn method to accelerate the profit process. IM mastery academy is an educational platform

That is being used by hundreds of thousands of people world wide who want to learn about the forex market.





Supplement your learning with mentorship & guidance designed around your busy life & schedule with over 100 full-time educators.


Exclusive education for harmonic patterns in the forex markets helping you identify potential reversals in the market, giving you powerful insight & analysis for opportunities to earn.

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Copy and paste free trade signals sent to your phone by your team. Never miss an opportunity to make a profit.



Position Sizing: The Way To Profit In Forex, what is p150 in forex.


Ashley is a bad-ass entrepreneur who was born and raised in las vegas, nevada. Implementing her drive and passion to be successful in every which way, she never slept on an opportunity to take a risk in trying new things. She craves success for others as well and will stop at nothing to ensure an opulent future for every single being she encounters. While mastering the skill of trading to impact and retire the masses, she simultaneously spends her long days and endless nights saving and enhancing lives across the nation through the gift of organ and tissue donation.



Eryn is an affluent and prosperous 23 yr old CEO born in las vegas and raised in northern california. Eryn attended college in santa barbara as a psychology major where she first met her business partner, and later in 2019, she transferred to finish school in las vegas. There, she was introduced to the FOREX trading market, all the meanwhile working full time as a pre-school teacher. With close to nothing to her name, she decided to take a leap of faith and ascend to greatness. She dedicated every aspect, every spark of energy, and every passing minute of her life into building an EMPIRE of successful like-minded leaders.

150(EUR) euro(EUR) to philippine peso(PHP)

150(EUR) euro(EUR) to philippine peso(PHP) currency rates today

This is the page of euro (EUR) to philippine peso (PHP) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit philippine peso(PHP) to euro(EUR).

Exchange rates updated: feb 01,2021 14:51 UTC

Full history please visit EUR/PHP history

date euro philippine peso
monday 01/02/2021 150 EUR = 8711.57507 PHP
sunday 31/01/2021 150 EUR = 8738.67266 PHP
saturday 30/01/2021 150 EUR = 8749.19437 PHP
friday 29/01/2021 150 EUR = 8751.1455 PHP
thursday 28/01/2021 150 EUR = 8742.89455 PHP
wednesday 27/01/2021 150 EUR = 8723.60517 PHP
tuesday 26/01/2021 150 EUR = 8772.3106 PHP
monday 25/01/2021 150 EUR = 8753.78993 PHP
sunday 24/01/2021 150 EUR = 8773.70442 PHP
saturday 23/01/2021 150 EUR = 8777.40023 PHP

Euro(EUR) To Philippine Peso(PHP) 10 day history

  • Euro / united states dollar

  • Euro / british pound

  • Euro / japanese yen

  • Euro / australian dollar

  • Euro / canadian dollar

  • Euro / swiss franc

  • Euro / chinese yuan

  • Euro / hong kong dollar

  • Euro / russian rouble

  • Euro / singapore dollar

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09 - inspecteur gadget - le grand prix

09 - inspecteur gadget - le grand prix
inspecteur gadget - le grand prix episode 09
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Craft ideas with pizza boxes - briefcase | DIY on box yourself

Craft ideas with pizza boxes - briefcase | DIY on box yourself
in this episode øistein and box make a briefcase from two pizza boxes! Every tuesday and friday we upload new DIY videos. Subscribe if you don’t want to miss any of them! Https://www.Youtube.Com/user/boxyourself?Sub_confirmation=1 don't forget to like, share & comment on this video. Each box yourself video on our channel has a thumbnail .

This video published since 4 years ago ago, hosted by youtube.Com and published by channel: box yourself

Craft ideas with pizza boxes - briefcase | DIY on box yourself's video from box yourself have lenght about 11:14 and was viewed more than 483675 and is still growing

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This video published since 2 years ago ago, hosted by youtube.Com and published by channel: ドラえもんのひみつ道具マニア「S」/doraemon's gadget fan「S」

ドラえもん ひみつ道具 スモールライト DORAEMON small light's video from ドラえもんのひみつ道具マニア「S」/doraemon's gadget fan「S」 have lenght about 1:59 and was viewed more than 64677 and is still growing

Race to the finish (part1)

Race to the finish (part1)
"dr. Claw has secretly entered the metropolis 500. If he wins, he'll use the million dollars to further finance crime. Your assignment is to enter the race, and make sure he doesn't win. This message will self-destruct."

This video published since 8 years ago ago, hosted by youtube.Com and published by channel: swiftfur beaumont

Race to the finish (part1)'s video from swiftfur beaumont have lenght about 4:58 and was viewed more than 43637 and is still growing

Items you’re not allowed to send in a balikbayan box


LOS ANGELES — it could be because of colonial mentality that overseas filipinos are just as excited to fill up and send a balikbayan box home as those receiving it back in the philippines. “balikbayan” means returning to one’s country, and I guess sending balikbayan box is the filipino way of staying connected to friends and families back home.

It’s the simple tradition of giving pasalubongs — gifts — only that it has been raised to unprecedented levels because of the sheer number of filipinos now living and/or working overseas. In the early days, only the very rich could go abroad.

Today, there are an estimated 10 million filipinos abroad due to migration to the united states, canada, australia, western europe and the middle east.

What not to send

Senders should keep in mind that since the shipping of a balikbayan box is consolidated, it means that one prohibited item caught will affect ALL the packages inside the shipping container. In the past, a lot of individuals have abused the tax-free privilege by smuggling commercial items or contrabands.

For this reason, cargo companies, as well as US and philippine customs offices always inform senders not to send the following prohibited items:

  • Alcohol/alcoholic drinks

  • Automobile/motorcycle, parts or whole

  • Ceramic tableware

  • Cultural artifacts and pottery

  • Defense articles or items with military or proliferation applications

  • Products containing dog or cat fur, as well as animal hide

  • Drug paraphernalia (unless prescribed for medical conditions)

  • Firearms, explosives (including parts)

  • Cheese, meat, fruits and vegetables (unless canned)

  • Pets, plants, seeds, soil

  • Used clothing of commercial quantity (ukay-ukay or in bales)

  • Pornographic materials

  • Fluids and perishable food items

*please check with your trusted balikbayan cargo company for other items that may not be on the list.

The customs modernization and tariff act (CMTA)

In may of this year, president benigno aquino III signed into law the customs modernization and tariff act (CMTA) or republic act 10863 in response to the growing concern of overseas filipinos about the continued corruption, and additional taxes and duties being planned by the bureau of customs on all balikbayan boxes.

Prior to signing R.A 10863, the existing law was outdated because it was still following the 1987 tax-exempt value of only up to P10,000 (about $200). Many lawmakers feel that it would be unfair to tax overseas filipinos since the amount has not been adjusted according to inflation and increasing commodity rates.

With the new law in place, filipinos can now send up to three P150,000-worth (about $3,500) of tax- and duty-free balikbayan boxes in a year, given that the goods are not in commercial quantities or intended for barter, sale or for hire.

On top of the tax- and duty-free balikbayan boxes, filipinos, who have stayed in a foreign country for at least 10 years and are returning to the philippines, will also be granted tax exemption for the personal and household effects, not exceeding P350,000, they will be bringing with them when they return to the country.

As for filipinos who have lived overseas for at least five years, they would be entitled to tax- and duty-free personal and household effects amounting to P250,000, while those who have stayed abroad for less than five years could enjoy P150,000 tax-free ceiling.

As someone who has been on both the sending and receiving side, I know that the balikbayan box is more than a piece of corrugated box filled with clothes, canned goods and chocolates, or that whiff of the “stateside” scent — it is a symbol of the hard work, generosity and love for family.

It’s true that our families back home could probably buy most of the items in the philippines, but I believe it’s the anticipation of what’s coming to their doorsteps and the idea that every item has been carefully chosen and packed are what make them appreciate the box more.

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