Forex Demo Contests, forex competitions.

Forex competitions

Take part in the forex contest and get real money prizes and bonuses for live trading.

Today forex bonuses

Forex Demo Contests, forex competitions.

Forex Demo Contests, forex competitions.

Forex Demo Contests, forex competitions.

Join forexcup trading contest by FXOPEN and find the […] sniper – a weekly demo contest from instaforex.Com, register for the next instaforex weekly demo contest 2020 sniper contest right now. After the registration procedure […]

Forex demo contests

Mostly forex demo contest is popular among newbie forex trader. It does not require any deposit or invest into account in order to join the forex demo competition. Demo contest is held among demo accounts where all contestant gets the same facilities like initial balance, margin level, margin requirement, leverage etc. At the end of the fore demo contest account with the highest balance declared as the winner. Cash or tradable money or gifts are distributed as the prize. Find the list of all available forex demo contests 2021

Forex demo contest 2021

Demo competition brings the opportunity for all forex traders to trade without any cash deposit. Generally, it is required to register an account for the contest where trading takes place with the virtual money. All participant has the same trading opportunity and environments such as equal balance, leverage, and terms. Contest duration varies as there are different lengths of competition comes from different forex broker. For example – there are weekly, monthly, daily, hourly and even random time frame of the contest out there.

Forex demo competition

Joining a trial or demo contest provide the opportunity to gain reward and at the same time it is a great way to test the trading skill and trading technique. In this process, a trader can build his trading confident throughout the process.

Demo contest moneymaker (S-24) – instaforex

Moneymaker demo contest presented by moneymaker.Team forum and sponsored by instaforex. Participate in the two weeks demo competition and win prize money to trade in […]

Demo monthly contest, $6K fund, 20 winners – roboforex

Roboforex demo forex contest january 2021 – the total of 6000 USD prize fund with 20 winners. Participate in the monthly contest held according to […]

Sniper weekly demo contest – instaforex

Sniper – a weekly demo contest from instaforex.Com, register for the next instaforex weekly demo contest 2020 sniper contest right now. After the registration procedure […]

Demo contest, $100K fund, 2021 winners – weltrade

Join the weekly forex trader demo contest by weltrade. Try a risk to the freeway to win cash prizes with the forex trader demo contest […]

Fortnightly demo contest, cash prizes (feb, 01) – FBS

Virtual to real forex demo contest – hotforex

Hotforex virtual to real forex demo contest open for all forex traders to win real trading money – IT is high time to challenge other […]

Fortnightly demo contest, win $500 – grand capital

Rally trade contest by grand capital – test your trading strategies and real prizes. The competition is held every two weeks. The participants start with […]

Fbspro forex demo contest – FBS

Prove yourself to be a real master of the forex market. Join the “FBS pro” monthly demo contest and find your trading art. Become a […]

Champion MT4 demo contest – octafx

Register in the octafx champion MT4 demo contest, trade your demo account like a champion, win and get fabulous prizes! Any possible trading techniques are […]

Learn and earn, demo contest – lmfx

Lmfx’s learn & earn contest held in the demo account, thus no monetary risk associated to participate in the competition. Bring an opportunity to earn […]

Christmas sprint live contest – grandcapital

Participate christmas sprint live contest and win a grand prize of $5000 USD that is fully withdrawable without any restrictions. Register for the contest and […]

Weekly demo contest, fund $5k – LAND-FX

Land-FX launches a trading competition with virtual money – the participants required to registered a PAMM trading account. There is a new contest each week […]

Trade day forex 1-day demo contest – roboforex

Roboforex trade day forex weekly demo contest is an excellent chance for everyone to test their knowledge, acquire new skills, and earn the real prize, […]

Demo FX-trading contest – invest-AZ

Investaz presents demo FX-trading contest available for all contestants to participate in the competition. Take the challenge of the monthly demo contest & win one […]

Kingsize MT5 demo contest – roboforex

Roboforex‘s kingsize MT5 demo contest is an excellent chance for everyone to test their capabilities of the metatrader5 trading platform. Where the prize pool is […]

Kamikaze demo contest V7 – MFM securities

MFM securities DEMO CONTEST with 10 prizes for the 10 winners. Sign up with the company if you don’t have an active account already and […]

Forexcup trading contest – fxopen

Take part in the forex contest and get real money prizes and bonuses for live trading. Join forexcup trading contest by FXOPEN and find the […]

Ctrader’s weekly demo contest – octafx

Participate ctrader weekly demo contest to win cash prizes, trade with the ctrader trading platform while chasing the $400 cash prize fund. Be a participant […]

�� forex demo contests 2021

why demo contests?
Because it's a risk-free opportunity to test your skills & win real money!
Don't think it's a place for beginners: when prize stakes are high, there will be many skilled traders competing for the main trophy!

Demo contests prize valid till
27forex | mobius trader 7 demo trader contest $2000 dec/31/2021
alpari | virtual reality contest $500 dec/31/2021
AMEGA FX | AMEGA invest demo contest $3000 dec/31/2021
dukascopy bank SA | strategy contest DEMO $5000 dec/31/2021
FBS | FBS league $450 dec/31/2021
forex euroclub | weekly demo competition (in russian) $45 dec/31/2021
fxopen (forexcup) | demo contests $600 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "drag trade" hourly demo contest $200 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "futures trade" weekly demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "rally trade" daily demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest $2000 dec/31/2021
IAFT | traders demo contest $20 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "FX-1 rally" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "instaforexsniper" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "one million option" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | lucky trader demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
instaforex | real scalping demo contest $2000 dec/31/2021
LAND-FX | demo competition-FX $3000 dec/31/2021
leo prime | demo arena february contest $500 feb/21/2021
liteforex | "best of the best" demo contest $4000 dec/31/2021
LMFX | "learn & earn" demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
masterecnfx | demo trading competition $1200 dec/31/2021
moneymaker | demo contest sponsored by instaforex $250 dec/31/2021
NPBFX | contest on demo accounts $1000 dec/31/2021
octafx | champion MT4 demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
octafx | ctrader weekly demo contest $150 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "demo forex" contest $700 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "kingsize MT5" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "trade day" demo contest $350 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "week with cfds" demo contest $150 dec/31/2021
superforex | "gold rush" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
superforex | bitcoin mania $100 dec/31/2021
uniforex | trading competition $1000 dec/31/2021
weltrade | weekly demo series contest $1500 mar/21/2021
westernfx | demo trading contest $3000 dec/31/2021
WOHLSTAND FX | demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
world forex | "cash wars" demo contest $1400 dec/31/2021

Latest promotions:

Extra promotions:


Leo prime - demoarenacontestforfebruary2021

The contest runs between 22-26february,2021;
1st prize : $500 . Entirely withdrawable. No rule ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 24 этап (01.02.2021-12.02.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.




Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 23 этап (18.01.2021-29.01.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


MFM securities - demo contest V1

18th - 29th january 2021 ;


Accentforex - "master scalper" demo contest

Available till : jan 10,2021


I want new weekly demo contest


Please request all broker published new and new demo contest


Simplefx - trading idea contest

Post your trading ideas on simplefx and share it on social media ;
win $100 ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 22 этап (04.01.2021-15.01.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


Please published new years demo contest request all broker


Octafx - win $1K instagram new year contest

End – december 24, 2020 ;
make a video on the following theme of ‘octafx, I need your $1,000 to boost my goal’ ;




MFM securities - kamikaze demo contest V7

18th - 31st december 2020 ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 21 этап (21.12.2020-31.12.2020)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


ACM brokers | demo contest : " not found "

Atirox | chasing mavericks demo contest : " this site can’t be reached "

Hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest : no " promotions "

Uniforex | trading competition : " page is under construction . " https://www.Uniforex.Az/en/musabiqeler/winners

Westernfx | demo trading contest : " westernfx DEMO trading contest will be announced soon! "

Trade day

The contest is held weekly.

The duration is 24 hours.

Starts at 12:00:00 p.M. Wednesday
finishes at 11:59:59 a.M. Thursday

Demo forex

The contest is held monthly.

Starts at 00:00:00 on the first competition day
finishes at 23:59:59 on the last competition day

Currently underway 119th competition
until the end of the competition left 25 days

Week with CFD

The contest is held weekly.

Starts at 12:00:00 a.M. Monday
finishes at 11:59:59 p.M. Friday

Currently underway 295th competition
until the end of the competition left 4 days

Kingsize MT5

The contest is held weekly.

The duration is 24 hours.

Starts at 8:00:00 p.M. Thursday
finishes at 7:59:59 p.M. Friday

Already won prizes $ 2 201 850

Winners by contests

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Форекс конкурсы

Форекс брокеры постоянно организовывают разнообразные конкурсы для своих клиентов, чтобы заинтересовать их и привлечь внимание к сайту или торговой платформе. С помощью форекс конкурсов онлайн-брокеры побуждают трейдеров быть более активными и уделять больше внимания своему торговому опыту. В основном, целью форекс конкурсов является тестирование торговых навыков и возможностей трейдеров. Проводимые брокерами конкурсы можно поделить на демо конкурсы и конкурсы на реальных торговых счетах.

Демо конкурсы

Трейдеры могут с легкостью принять участие в демо конкурсах и для этого им не нужно пополнять свои счета. Поддерживая тесные связи с другими трейдерами, которые также интересуются конкурсами, трейдеры могут получить ряд преимуществ. Участие в демо конкурсах дает трейдерам возможность получить ценный торговый опыт и выиграть приз, не вкладывая при этом никаких средств. Поэтому, можно сказать, что такие форекс конкурсы без вложений являются выгодными независимо от того выиграет трейдер или нет. С другой стороны, демо конкурсы также выгодны для форекс компаний, которые проводят подобные конкурсы, так как победители часто продолжают торговать с брокером, в конкурсе которого они участвовали.

Форекс конкурсы оправдывают свою прибыльность для тех, кто принимает в них участие, так как они мотивируют трейдеров больше зарабатывать.

Конкурсы на реальных счетах

Конкурсы на реальных счетах также являются одними из наиболее популярных. С их помощью трейдеры могут получить значительное вознаграждение и преимущества. Участвуя в таких конкурсах трейдеры легко могут протестировать свои торговые навыки. В отличие от демо конкурсов, для участия в конкурсах на реальных счетах необходимо пополнить свой торговый счет. Тем не менее, в конкурсах на реальных счетах не нужно делать ничего особенного, все, что необходимо – торговать в соответствии с условиями, которые установил брокер. Форекс чемпионаты, такие как марафон трейдеров, конкурсы автоматической торговли, самая успешная торговая сделка недели – одни из наиболее известных конкурсов, которые проводят онлайн форекс компании, чтобы подтолкнуть трейдеров на проведение более крупных и прибыльных сделок.

В любом случае, форекс конкурсы оправдывают свою прибыльность для тех, кто принимает в них участие, так как они мотивируют трейдеров больше зарабатывать, при этом развивая свои торговые навыки. В конце концов, все подобные конкурсы открывают новые возможности для трейдеров. Кроме конкурсов посвященных торговле, брокеры также предлагают клиентам конкурсы на лучшую форекс статью, на лучший комментарий на форуме, на нахождение ошибок на сайте и многие другие. В заключении стоит сказать, что на рынке представлено невероятное количество конкурсов форекс трейдеров, некоторые из которых связаны непосредственно с торговлей, другие нет. В любом случае каждый из этих конкурсов является отличным способом заработка дополнительной прибыли.

Форекс конкурсы являются отличным способом развития навыков торговли. Они особенно ценны для трейдеров, которые хотят учится форекс трейдингу на практике.

�� forex demo contests 2021

why demo contests?
Because it's a risk-free opportunity to test your skills & win real money!
Don't think it's a place for beginners: when prize stakes are high, there will be many skilled traders competing for the main trophy!

Demo contests prize valid till
27forex | mobius trader 7 demo trader contest $2000 dec/31/2021
alpari | virtual reality contest $500 dec/31/2021
AMEGA FX | AMEGA invest demo contest $3000 dec/31/2021
dukascopy bank SA | strategy contest DEMO $5000 dec/31/2021
FBS | FBS league $450 dec/31/2021
forex euroclub | weekly demo competition (in russian) $45 dec/31/2021
fxopen (forexcup) | demo contests $600 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "drag trade" hourly demo contest $200 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "futures trade" weekly demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
grand capital | "rally trade" daily demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest $2000 dec/31/2021
IAFT | traders demo contest $20 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "FX-1 rally" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "instaforexsniper" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | "one million option" demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
instaforex | lucky trader demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
instaforex | real scalping demo contest $2000 dec/31/2021
LAND-FX | demo competition-FX $3000 dec/31/2021
leo prime | demo arena february contest $500 feb/21/2021
liteforex | "best of the best" demo contest $4000 dec/31/2021
LMFX | "learn & earn" demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
masterecnfx | demo trading competition $1200 dec/31/2021
moneymaker | demo contest sponsored by instaforex $250 dec/31/2021
NPBFX | contest on demo accounts $1000 dec/31/2021
octafx | champion MT4 demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
octafx | ctrader weekly demo contest $150 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "demo forex" contest $700 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "kingsize MT5" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "trade day" demo contest $350 dec/31/2021
roboforex | "week with cfds" demo contest $150 dec/31/2021
superforex | "gold rush" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
superforex | bitcoin mania $100 dec/31/2021
uniforex | trading competition $1000 dec/31/2021
weltrade | weekly demo series contest $1500 mar/21/2021
westernfx | demo trading contest $3000 dec/31/2021
WOHLSTAND FX | demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
world forex | "cash wars" demo contest $1400 dec/31/2021

Latest promotions:

Extra promotions:


Leo prime - demoarenacontestforfebruary2021

The contest runs between 22-26february,2021;
1st prize : $500 . Entirely withdrawable. No rule ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 24 этап (01.02.2021-12.02.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.




Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 23 этап (18.01.2021-29.01.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


MFM securities - demo contest V1

18th - 29th january 2021 ;


Accentforex - "master scalper" demo contest

Available till : jan 10,2021


I want new weekly demo contest


Please request all broker published new and new demo contest


Simplefx - trading idea contest

Post your trading ideas on simplefx and share it on social media ;
win $100 ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 22 этап (04.01.2021-15.01.2021)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


Please published new years demo contest request all broker


Octafx - win $1K instagram new year contest

End – december 24, 2020 ;
make a video on the following theme of ‘octafx, I need your $1,000 to boost my goal’ ;




MFM securities - kamikaze demo contest V7

18th - 31st december 2020 ;


Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 21 этап (21.12.2020-31.12.2020)
1 место – 250$;
2 место – 150$;
3 место – 100$;
4 место – 50$;
5 место – 50$;
регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


ACM brokers | demo contest : " not found "

Atirox | chasing mavericks demo contest : " this site can’t be reached "

Hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest : no " promotions "

Uniforex | trading competition : " page is under construction . " https://www.Uniforex.Az/en/musabiqeler/winners

Westernfx | demo trading contest : " westernfx DEMO trading contest will be announced soon! "

Forex contests for traders

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Forex trading contests on demo accounts

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Affiliate contests

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You can choose from 3 categories of contests tailored to different groups of traders.

Weekly forex contests are meant not only for the professionals of currency trading, but also for beginner traders. You only need to register on the dedicated page of our site, open a trading account with the company and join in the competition you like the best. Register your live account and compete for leadership with numerous worldwide contestants.

Contests for partners. If you are a partner of the liteforex company, you can successfully apply your customer acquisition and management techniques and, at the same time, you become eligible for a fabulous prize, which you can win without having to lose a second of your time.

Demo forex contests. Even if you are a novice or nor confident enough when trading at forex, we have something to offer. You can join the fight for real money prizes without even opening a trading account! Trade on training forex accounts, perfect your trading skills, and win liteforex's demo contests.

Prove that you deserve to rank among the best traders of our company! What's more, we will be proud to put your winner's interview onto our site.

Besides regular contests, the liteforex company organizes regional contests for specific countries, offering attractive prizes at a dinner ceremony, attended by the best traders of the region. Over the history of the company, we have handed over 10 brand-new cars, a huge number of motorbikes and expensive laptops, etc. Follow the news, participate in the contests, trade, earn and win together with liteforex!

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    Forex live contests


    Ospreyfx » christmas contest, win $1K

    Promax » #$50K winner champion contest

    Octafx » #live contest for $50 deposit, win 16 car & more prizes

    Triumphfx » #live trading competition 2020

    Traders trust » #LIVE TRADING COMPETITION, $10K

    Cabana capitals » #change game contest big prizes

    Justforex » #stayhome trading contest 2020

    Justforex » new year trading contest 2020

    FXTM » live contest, $70K fund, iphone & more

    Forex4you » trading hero, live contest

    Forex live contests and competitions

    Forex Live Contests & competition

    A comprehensive guide to forex live contests

    You can earn money on the FX market in various ways, one of which is through the forex live contests. A forex live contest is a contest hosted by an online broker for traders to participate and win real money.

    In this post, we will walk you through the benefits of forex live contest, how to win in a contest, and much more. Before you participate in a live contest, ensure you first participate in a demo contest to learn how a forex contest works. When you have garnered enough experience, you can then join a real contest to win monetary rewards. The contest usually holds daily, weekly, or monthly.

    Benefits of the forex live contests?

    Aside from placing ordinary trades, a forex live contest allows you to win real money or prizes. When you win in a competition, your morale to continue trading will increase, and you will also share from other traders’ experience.

    What’s more? Participating in a forex live contest will also improve your trading confidence for more excellent opportunities. Lastly, it is a great opportunity to carry out a self-assessment of your trading skills.

    How to win a forex live contest?

    No hard and fast rule applies to winning a forex live contest. For you to win in this contest, follow these simple instructions, and hopefully, you would be announced as the winner of the contest:

    1. Read the contest’s rules and regulations very carefully – from beginning to end.

    2. Follow the market trend or news trends because they influence the market.

    3. Join contests that are easier for you.

    4. Consider the financial regulations of your broker.

    5. Find out if there is any deposit to be made.

    6. Ensure you have sufficient funds to participate in the contest.

    7. Provide only genuine documents or information, as your broker may disqualify you if they suspect incorrect information.

    Picking the right forex broker

    The forex broker you choose can make or mar your chances of winning in a contest. Therefore, before you participate in any forex live contest, ensure you find out whether or not the prizes promised by the broker will be redeemed. Your winnings may be at risk if you choose a broker that is not reputable.

    Slow and steady wins the contest

    If you go into the contest unprepared, the chances are that you may crash out a few hours after starting the competition.

    The best way to win in a contest of this nature is to maintain a slow and steady pace and not be involved in risky moves. Therefore, start your contest slowly and walk your way up while taking only calculated risks.

    Final thoughts

    Okay. That’s it. Overall, forex live contests present an excellent opportunity to double or even triple your money. However, it comes with its own risks. One of the apparent risks is that you may lose your hard-earned money to other traders or those you are in the contest with.

    Let us emphasize at this point that on no account should you participate in this type of contest with the money you cannot afford to lose. Doing so means risking your happiness.

    Is this guide helpful? Let us know in the comment section below.

    Forex demo contests

    Hotforex » virtual to real demo competition

    Grand capital » future trade demo contest

    NPBFX » demo contest, iphone 11 pro

    Octafx » weekly ctrader’s demo contest

    WFOREX » demo contest, $23K fund

    Roboforex » free monthly demo contest

    Forex demo contests and competition

    forex demo contests

    As a forex enthusiast who intends to succeed on the forex, you need a high level of discipline and a robust knowledge of how the market works. One good way to acquire forex knowledge is to participate in a forex contest.

    Many online brokers create a platform for their traders, both newbies and experienced traders, to participate in forex contests. A forex contest is organized so that traders can compete among themselves and retain their trading interests. The contest is divided into two – forex demo contests and forex live contests.

    Today, we will take a look at the concept of forex demo contests. We will walk you through the benefits of participating in a demo contest and what you should know before joining any contest.

    But before we dive deeper, let’s quickly explain what a forex demo contest is.

    What is a forex demo contest?

    A forex demo contest is a risk-free forex trading competition organized by online brokers to allow traders to practice their trading skills and strategy and win cash rewards, gifts, or tradable money.

    Participating in a demo contest is very simple and straightforward – all you require is to open a demo account with an online broker and skills in forex trading.

    Benefits of forex demo contest

    Forex demo contests are designed for beginner traders so that they can practice their trading skills and learn how forex trading works using a live account. However, it is not strange to also see experienced or expert traders participate in a demo contest. Since they may earn a prize without necessarily risking their real money.

    Primarily, the major beneficiary of a forex demo contest is beginners. Beginners are encouraged to participate in demo contests because:

    1. It would help them to understand the forex market and how to trade without losing their trading capital.

    2. They will learn the various tools required to automate trades. This would help them both physically and mentally should they decide to take up a career as a forex trader.

    3. They will gain real-time insight into the dynamics of live trading. This would help them to avoid unnecessary mistakes that may cost them their hard-earned money.

    4. A forex demo contest allows traders to test, correct, or improve any trading strategy before applying the same to trade in a live environment.

    5. They can gain self-confidence, win rewards at no cost at all, and without any risks.

    As a beginner, once you participate in at least two or more demo contests, you would be one step closer to becoming a professional trader. As you can see, forex demo contests come with so many benefits. Therefore, if you plan to take up a career in forex trading, we encourage you to participate in different demo contests as often as possible.

    What should you know before joining A forex demo contest

    Before you join any forex demo contest, keep the following in mind:

    • Be informed that each demo contest comes with its unique rules and regulations. There is no one-size-fits rule for all the demo contests. These rules determine who is fit to participate in the contest, how prizes would be won, and how prizes would be redeemed.

    • Endeavor to study all the rules and regulations and adhere to them. Non-compliance with the rules will automatically disqualify you.

    • Choose a broker that is reliable and trustworthy.

    • Only participate in a demo contest that is easy for you.

    • Ensure you read forex-related news and stay updated with trends and events in the forex market.

    The demo competition presents by the broker with the following common terms and conditions and is available only to specific demo contest accounts. However, the terms and conditions vary from broker to broker depending on the particular contest.

    General terms and conditions of demo contest 2021:

    Basically, the client needs to eligible to participate in the demo contest with an age of 18 or the legal age applied in his country of residence.

    Only clients with a demo contest account are eligible to participate in this contest.

    The client hereby acknowledges, confirms, and accepts to be legally bound by the terms and conditions as set out in the particular contest

    Registration and trading period

    The demo contest should have a registration date that the participants require to confirm their registration before the deadline. Some competition allows registration until the end of the contest, while others have a specific date to be registered.

    Each contest has its duration suits their campaign, some of the common contest periods are monthly, weekly and many others. Among them there are contests runs on a regular basis with its particular timetable.

    Usually, the leverage & initial balance is fixed for all contest’s accounts and cannot be changed.

    Final thoughts

    Okay, that’s it. Forex demo contests are a great opportunity for you to perfect your trading skills without depositing any funds or even losing your hard-earned money. Since forex demo contests are organized by online brokers, do your due diligence when choosing a broker to create a demo account with.

    Lastly, what’s your experience like the first time you participated in a demo contest? Let us know in the comment section!

    �� forex demo contests 2021

    why demo contests?
    Because it's a risk-free opportunity to test your skills & win real money!
    Don't think it's a place for beginners: when prize stakes are high, there will be many skilled traders competing for the main trophy!

    Demo contests prize valid till
    27forex | mobius trader 7 demo trader contest $2000 dec/31/2021
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    AMEGA FX | AMEGA invest demo contest $3000 dec/31/2021
    dukascopy bank SA | strategy contest DEMO $5000 dec/31/2021
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    hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest $2000 dec/31/2021
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    LMFX | "learn & earn" demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
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    moneymaker | demo contest sponsored by instaforex $250 dec/31/2021
    NPBFX | contest on demo accounts $1000 dec/31/2021
    octafx | champion MT4 demo contest $500 dec/31/2021
    octafx | ctrader weekly demo contest $150 dec/31/2021
    roboforex | "demo forex" contest $700 dec/31/2021
    roboforex | "kingsize MT5" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
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    superforex | "gold rush" demo contest $100 dec/31/2021
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    WOHLSTAND FX | demo contest $1000 dec/31/2021
    world forex | "cash wars" demo contest $1400 dec/31/2021

    Latest promotions:

    Extra promotions:


    Leo prime - demoarenacontestforfebruary2021

    The contest runs between 22-26february,2021;
    1st prize : $500 . Entirely withdrawable. No rule ;


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    регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.




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    регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


    MFM securities - demo contest V1

    18th - 29th january 2021 ;


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    Конкурс moneymaker и instaforex 22 этап (04.01.2021-15.01.2021)
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    регистрация доступна в течении всего времени конкурса.


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    Atirox | chasing mavericks demo contest : " this site can’t be reached "

    Hotforex | "virtual to real" demo contest : no " promotions "

    Uniforex | trading competition : " page is under construction . " https://www.Uniforex.Az/en/musabiqeler/winners

    Westernfx | demo trading contest : " westernfx DEMO trading contest will be announced soon! "

    so, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: forex demo contests competitions 2021 held among demo accounts, same facilities for all participants. Forex demo competition is a risk-free way to try your trading skills and strategy while competing for prizes! Cash or tradable money or gifts are distributed as prizes for the winners of forex demo contest - find all here! At forex competitions

    Contents of the article

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